• Low Cost: These general purpose attenuators offer
subminiature size, broadband frequency response,
and attenuation values from 1 to 30 dB at low, competitive prices.
• Two Configurations – Round body Model 3330A and
a hex body Model 3331A.
• Ideal for Bulk Quantity Requirements.
Nominal Impedance: 50 Ω
Frequency Range: Model: dc to 18.0 GHz
Power Rating: 2 watts average to 25°C ambient
temperature, derated linearly to 0.5 watts
@ 125°C. 250 watts peak (5 μsec pulse width;
0.4% duty cycle).
Power Coefficient: <0.005 dB/dB/Watt
Temperature Range: -55 °C to +125 °C
Connectors: SMA connectors per MIL-STD-348
inter-face dimensions mate
nondestructively with MIL-C-39012
Construction: Passivated stainless steel body and
connectors; gold plated beryllium
copper contacts.
Weight: 5.6 g (0.2 oz) maximum (Both models)
Physical Dimensions:
Model 3330A (Round):
Model 3331A (Hex):
NOTE: All dimensions are given in mm (inches) and are
maximum, unless otherwise specified.
Model Number Description:
Example: 3330A – XX
Maximum Deviation Over Frequency:
Maximum SWR:
Basic Model
Value (dB)
Fixed Coaxial Attenuators
Models 3330A & 3331A