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Key Performance Specifications
I-V Source Measure Units (SMUs)
• ±210 V/100 mA or ±210 V/1 A modules
• 100 fA measure resolution
• 10 aA measure resolution with optional preamp
• 10 mHz – 10 Hz very low frequency capacitance
• 100 µF load capacitance
• 4-quadrant operation
• 2 or 4-wire connections
C-V Multi-frequency Capacitance Units (CVUs)
• AC impedance measurements (C-V, C-f, C-t)
• 1 kHz – 10 MHz frequency range
• ±30 V (60 V differential) built-in DC bias, expandable
to ±210 V (420 V differential)
• Simple switching between I-V and C-V
measurements with the optional CVIV Multi-Switch
Pulsed I-V Ultra-fast Pulse Measure Unit (PMU)
• Two independent or synchronized channels of
high-speed pulsed I-V source and measure
• 200 MS/s, 5 ns sampling rate
• ±40 V (80 Vp-p), ±800 mA
• Transient waveform capture mode
• Arbitrary waveform generator for multi-level pulse
waveform with 10 ns programmable resolution
High Voltage Pulse Generator Unit (PGU)
• Two channels of high-speed pulsed V source
• ±40 V (80 Vp-p ), ±800 mA
• Arbitrary waveform generator Segment ARB®
mode for multi-level pulse waveform with 10 ns
programmable resolution
I-V/C-V Multi-Switch Module (CVIV)
• Easily switch between I-V and C-V measurements
without re-cabling or lifting prober needles
• Move the C-V measurement to any terminal without
re-cabling or lifting prober needles
• ±210 V DC bias capable
Remote Preamplifier/Switch Module (RPM)
• Automatically switches between I-V, C-V, and
ultra-fast pulsed I-V measurements
• Extends current sensitivity of the 4225-PMU
to tens of picoamps
• Reduces cable capacitance effects
General Specifications
Mainframe Display 15.6 in. LCD, capacitive touchscreen
1920 × 1080 full HD
10 point touch
External Display External VGA, HDMI, or Display Port: The system is designed to work with an external monitor of resolution
1920 × 1080
Temperature Range Operating: +10° to +40°C
Storage: –15° to +60°C
Humidity Range Operating: 5% to 80% RH, non-condensing
Storage: 5% to 90% RH, non-condensing
Altitude Operating: 0 to 2000 m
Storage: 0 to 4600 m
Power Requirements 100 V to 240 V, 50 to 60 Hz
Maximum VA 1000 VA
Regulatory Compliance Safety: European Low Voltage Directive. NRTL listed by Intertek for the US and Canada.
EMC: European EMC Directive
Dimensions 43.6 cm wide × 22.3 cm high × 56.5 cm deep (175⁄32 in × 8¾ in × 22¼ in)
Weight (approx.) 29.7 kg (65.5 lb) for typical configuration of four SMUs
I/O Ports USB, SVGA, Display Port, RS-232, GPIB, Ethernet, mouse, keyboard, audio
Ground Unit Voltage error when using the ground unit is included in the 4200-SMU, 4210-SMU, and 4200-PA
specifications. No additional errors are introduced when using the ground unit.
Output Terminal Connection Dual triaxial, 5-way binding post
Maximum Current 2.6 A using dual triaxial connection; 9.5 A using 5-way binding posts
Load Capacitance No limit
Cable Resistance FORCE ≤1 Ω, SENSE ≤10 Ω
LCD Display Pixel Guideline LCD displays are made up of a matrix of pixels, with each pixel consisting of red, green, and blue subpixels. These pixels and sub-pixels can become fixed in an unchanging state resulting in permanently
black, white, or colored spots on the display. These are typically categorized as Bright or Black pixel (or
dot) defects.
Bright dot defect: A dot that is always lit, either as a white or colored dot, visible on a black check pattern.
Black dot defect: A dot that appears as either black or purple (magenta) on red, green, and/or blue
check patterns.
The LCD display used in the 4200A-SCS is permitted to have a maximum of 6 (six) bright dot defects
upon receipt of a new instrument. A maximum of three bright dot defect pairs (adjacent defective dots) are
permitted. Three adjacent bright dots are not permitted under the pixel guideline.
The LCD display is permitted to have a maximum of 5 (five) black dot defects. Two adjacent black dot
defects are to be counted as a single black dot defect. A maximum of three black dot defect pairs
(adjacent defective dots) are permitted. Three adjacent black dot defects are not permitted under the
pixel guideline.
14. Ordering Information
4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer with 15.6” LCD display
4200A-SCS-ND Parameter Analyzer without LCD display
4200-PA Remote SMU Preamplifier Module
4200-SMU Medium Power Source Measure Unit
4200-SMU-R Field Installable, Medium Power Source Measure Unit
4200-SMU/PA-R Field Installable, Medium Power Source Measure Unit with Preamplifier
4201-SMU Medium power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups
4201-SMU-R Field installable medium power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups
4201-SMU/PA-R Field Installable, medium Power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups with Preamplifier
4210-SMU High Power Source Measure Unit
4210-SMU-R Field Installable, High Power Source Measure Unit
4210-SMU/PA-R Field Installable, High Power Source Measure Unit with Preamplifier
4211-SMU High power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups
4211-SMU-R Field installable high power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups
4211-SMU/PA-R Field Installable, high power Source Measure Unit for high-capacitance setups with Preamplifier
4215-CVU High Resolution Multi-frequency C-V Unit
4225-PMU Ultra-fast Pulsed I-V Unit
4220-PGU Pulse Generator Unit
4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Module
4200A-CVIV CVIV Multi-Switch Module
4200-CVU-PWR C-V Power Package
Mainframe Options
4200A NOACRONIS Do not install backup software
C/NEW DATA ISO Include ISO-17025 calibration data
4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
15. Configured Packages
4200A-SCS-PKA High Resolution I-V
4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA One preamplifier
8101-PIV One test fixture with sample devices
4200A-SCS-PKB High Resolution I-V and C-V
4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA One preamplifier
4215-CVU One high resolution multi-frequency C-V unit
8101-PIV One test fixture with sample devices
4200A-SCS-PKC High Power I-V and C-V
4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4211-SMU Two high power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA two preamplifier
4215-CVU One high resolution multi-frequency C-V unit
8101-PIV One test fixture with sample devices
16. Upgrading the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
Besides adding instrument modules to your parameter analyzer, there are other upgrade options available to keep your parameter analyzer
up-to-date with the latest technologies and applications tests.
4200A-MF-UP This upgrade service will convert any 4200-SCS mainframe to the 4200A-SCS widescreen mainframe with
Clarius+ software. Any instrument modules in the 4200-SCS will be moved to the 4200A-SCS mainframe
and the system will receive a factory calibration and a one year warranty on the mainframe.
4200A-IFC Required installation and factory calibration service when any instrument module is added to the
4200A-SCS mainframe. Only one 4200A-IFC is required per instrument module upgrade order.
Not required when ordering the 4200A-MF-UP.
4200A-WIN10-DRV Replace hard disk inside the 4200A-SCS unit with a new Windows 10 disk. Requires unit to be shipped
back to the factory. This upgrade can be ordered with the -NOACRONIS option to remove the Acronis
backup software from the 4200A-SCS. Do not add 4200A-IFC unless instrument modules are being
added as well.
4200-SMU-MOD/4210-SMU-MOD Modernize an older SMU in order to add new SMUs to the same system. Should not be ordered with