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The Ballantine 6127B is an accurate and simple way to calibrate a wide variety of oscilloscopes from low frequency units to instruments with bandwidths over 1 GHz. The 6127B provides a variety of signals of precise voltage, current, timing and waveshape. The 6127B can be operated manually or automatically using the IEEE-488 interface and Ballantine’s automated software SCOPE-CAL™. Time saving controls include computation of percent deviation, repeat step increment, self checking and warning of invalid entries.
Amplitude Range: High Impedance: ±40 µV to ±200 V in 1, 2, 5
Low Impedance (50 W): ±40 µV to ±5 V in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Accuracy (Amplitude): ±0.25% of reading ±1µV