리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • Model7352A
  • MakerADCMT
  • DescriptionDigital Multimeter
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The 7352A and the 7352E are the next-generation digital multimeters equipped with twin-A/D converters that enable fully-independent measurement of two-channel signals. These multimeters are suitable for high-speed measurement, parallel measurement of different functions and multi-channel measurement by configuring a system.
The channel A (Ach) has basic measurement functions including DC voltage/current, AC voltage/current, resistance and frequency measurement functions, while the channel B (Bch) has DC voltage/current, AC current and temperature measurement functions. Thus, higher throughput can be obtained with Ach/Bch synchronous measurement or Ach/Bch parallel measurement of different functions.
Furthermore, the dynamic range of current measurement has been broadened significantly, enabling measurement from low current of 10 pA to large current of 10 A.
The 7352A is equipped with a RS-232 interface in addition to USB and GPIB interfaces as standard for use in R&D and production lines. The 7352E is equipped with a USB interface as standard for low-cost system configuration.

 Ach Bch 

Maximum display

199 999 199 999
Measurement speed (readings/s) 140 max 140 max
DC voltage measurement 1 μV to 1000 V 1 μV to 200 V 
Accuracy (typical value) 0.011 %/year 0.011 %/year 
DC current measurement 10 pA to 2 A 100 μA to 10 A 
Resistance measurement 1 mΩ to 200 MΩ N/A
AC voltage measurement (True RMS) 1 μV to 700 V  N/A
AC voltage frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz N/A
AC current measurement (True RMS) 1nA to 2A 100 μA to 10 A
Calculation function
Temperature measurement K (CA) -50 ℃ to 1370 ℃
T (CC)-50 ℃ to 400 ℃
Data memory 20,000 
Interface 7352A: USB, GPIB, RS232C
7352E: USB
  • New measurement environment by twin A/D converters
  • Double the throughput by Ach/Bch synchronous measurement
  • Wide dynamic range of 5½ digits on both Ach and Bch
  • Wider current measurement range and parallel measurement with voltage or temperature
    A ch: 10 pA to 2 A
    B ch: 100 µA to 10 A
  • A variety of interfaces
    7352A: USB, GPIB, RS-232
    7352E: USB





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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