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8000 Victoreen NERO mAx

  • Model8000 Victoreen NERO mAx
  • MakerFluke
  • DescriptionVictoreen NERO mAx X-ray test device
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
The Victoreen NERO™ mAx Model 8000, Non-invasive Evaluator of Radiation Output, uses an
innovative system of menus and softkeys to provide an intuitive, user friendly operating environment. All
measurement modes and options are displayed on the NERO mAx’s LCD and all functions are controlled
by the 5 softkeys beneath the display and the 3 keys to the right of the display.
The NERO mAx consists of the NERO mAx control console, detector, detector cable, filter slides, AC
adapter, HVL plates, manual, Microsoft® Excel Add-in and carrying case.
The NERO mAx control console is compact and easy to use. The sophisticated electronics necessary to
provide highly accurate, reproducible measurements while maintaining an intuitive, user friendly operating
system are in the NERO mAx control console. The NERO mAx’s rechargeable battery is also housed in
the control console. The front panel of the control console contains a backlit 240 x 64 pixel, dot matrix
LCD display and eight push buttons. Connectors for power input, RS-232, printer, scope output and the
NERO mAx detector are located on the control console’s rear panel.
  • | Non-invasive evaluator of radiation outputs100 kHz sampling speed captures data from the most difficult machines0.5 kV or 1% accuracy from 22 to 160 kVMeasures kVp average
  • kV effective
  • kV peak
  • time
  • exposure or rate
  • mA or mAs
  • HVL
  • exposure/frame
  • and mAs/frameDisplays R or GyExcel Add-in includes MQSA
  • Rad
  • and Fluoro templatesRS-232 computer interfaceEnhanced dental capabilities External chambersExternal ion chambers for CT
  • mammographic
  • image intensifier tube
  • and special radiographic applications are available. Chamber calibration factors can be stored in the NERO mAx for direct readout of measurements. The Excel Add-in acquires measured data and waveforms directly into an Excel spreadsheet to maximize flexibility for report generation. “





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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