리퍼비시 계측기
Your High-Performance
Spectrum Analyzer can also
be a Test Receiver
Add the 85685A RF preselector to the
8566B or 8568B general-purpose spectrum analyzer, and you have a test receiver for specialized applications. The RF
preselector enhances these high-performance spectrum analyzers with tracking
filters and preamplifiers that cover the
20 Hz to 2 GHz range. The spectrum
analyzer/test receiver is sensitive to
low-level signals while providing overload protection from out-of-band signals.
The result, for tests in the presence of
high-level interference, is a measurement range 30 dB greater than that of the
spectrum analyzer alone. (The improvement is even greater in the presence of
broadband pulse-interference.)
85685A RF preselector
Option 010, Rack mount slide kit
Option 908, Rack flange kit without handles
Option 910, Extra manual
Option 913, Rack flange kit with handles
Firmware compatibility options (see compatibility specifications above)
85685A Option 066, Firmware upgrade kit* for 8566B
85685A Option 068, Firmware upgrade kit* for 8568B
8566A + 01K Retrofit kit
8568A + 01K Retrofit kit
8566B spectrum analyzer
8568B spectrum analyzer
85650A Quasi-peak adapter