리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelB2962A
  • MakerAgilent
  • Description6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Agilent Keysight Technologies, Inc. B2962A 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source is a new bench-top power supply/source with revolutionary capabilities and functions not previously available.

Its unique features include bipolar current sourcing and sinking, a programmable output resistance feature, and a time-domain waveform viewer supported in the graphical user interface (GUI).

In addition to these innovative bench-top power supply/source features, the Agilent Keysight B2962A can be controlled remotely using Keysight PC-based BenchVue, Quick I/V Measurement Software or through any LXI compliant web browser. These capabilities simplify the task of incorporating measurement data and graphs into reports and presentations.

The superior performance and innovative functions of the Agilent Keysight B2962A covers a broad range of test applications.

  • 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source, 32 W, 210 V, 3 A, 2ch
  • 100 nV/10 fA Resolution
  • Best-in-class 6.5 digit resolution (100 nV/10 fA minimum resolutions)
  • Wide bipolar (4-quadrant) voltage/current ranges (210 V/3 A DC, 10.5 A Pulse)
  • Ultra low noise filter (10 μVrms, 1 nV/√ Hz at 10 kHz)
  • Intuitive graphical user interface with wide 4.3” color LCD
  • Convenient 4.5 digit voltage/current monitor
  • Time domain waveform viewer for quick check and debug
  • Precision 1 mHz –10 kHz arbitrary waveform generation capability
  • Flexible programmable output resistance function.





    문의 및 요청내용 *

    개인정보 수집, 이용 및 처리방침

    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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