리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelCMD80
  • MakerR&S
  • DescriptionDigital Radio communication Tester CMD80
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Rohde & Schwarz offers such a solution in CMD80 (FIG 1) for full implementation of D-AMPS test technology both with and without signalling. The capability of performing mobile radio measurements according to the three standards with just one instrument is of decisive importance not only in development and service but also, and in particular, in production, where flexible use of mobile radio testers is required. Due to the rapid growth of mobile radio in South America and the Far East, there is huge potential for a multimode/multiband compact tester such as CMD80 in these regions too.

CMD80 Communication Analyzer

The CMD80 support all multiple access methods used in mobile communications (FDMA, CDMA, TDMA) on a single hardware platf6orm. CMD80 measures the RF and AF parameters of mobile stations supporting both standards or dual-mode equipment in development, production and service with the aid of network-specific signalling. It covers the 800 MHz band (cellular radio mobiles for CDMA and analog AMPS), the 1900 MHz band (PCS mobiles for CDMA, PCS) and the 1700 MHz band for the Korean variant of CDMA.

The family model at a glance:
CMD80 – CMDA, IS-136, AMPS and more
  • CDMA, digital AMPS, AMPS, TACS in one box
  • High measurement accuracy and speed
  • Remote control via IEEE488/IEC625 bus
  • Autotest and remote control via RS232
  • Suitable for production, development and service
CMD52 – the leading GSM900 production tester
  • All signaling required for GSM900 testing
  • Highest measurement accuracy and speed
  • Remote control via IEEE488/IEC625 bus
  • Autotest and remote control via RS232
  • Go/No-go test as well as service mode for exact fault location
CMD55 – the multiband GSM production tester
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  • GSM900, GSM1800 and GSM1900
  • Testing of handover from GSM900 and back
  • Other features as CMD52
CMD60 – pure DECT dedication
  • Compact, lightweight and extremely fast
  • Suitable for service, production and development
  • Remote control via IEEE488/IEC625 bus + RS232
  • Automated regression and stress testing of DUT
  • Automatic go/nogo testing of fixed and portable part
CMD65 – the most versatile production tester
  • GSM plus DECT in a single box
  • Features equal the combination of CMD55 and CMD60 in almost all respects

B1: Adds OCXO reference oscillator. Aging rate is 1x10E-7

B3: Multi-frequency reference I/O for DUT and measuring instruments @ 2.048/10/13/26/39 or 52 MHz

B60 Internal option required to support B61 and B62 options
B61 Adds IEEE488/IEC625 GPIB Interface
B62 Adds memory card interface. Allows storage of instrument setups and easy software upgrades

B81 Lets white gaussian noise be added to the base station signal, simulating CDMA traffic channels
B82 Analog extension. Allows AMPS, N-AMPS, and J/N/E-TACS mobile radio measurements.

B14: Rate set 2 extension for CDMA mobile phones. Supports 13 kbit/s data rate
K1: CDMA cellular extension. Allows 800 MHz CDMA measurements on CDMA mobile phones in cellular band
K2 :CDMA PCS extension. Allows 1900/1700 MHz CDMA measurements on CDMA mobile phones in PCS band





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