리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • MakerMusashi
  • DescriptionLiquids dosing dispenser
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Stable dispensing high-speed in liquid materials with high viscosity filler without clogging. Stable dispensing high-speed in liquid materials with high viscosity filler without clogging. It becomes problem that liquid materials such as cream solder and epoxy resin and grease, heat radiation grease enables stable high speed dispensing and high precision dispensing. High efficiency screw dispenser “SCREW MASTER®3” is available for correspondence in those liquid materials. By original screw mechanism, we dissolve fluctuations and fluid buildup of dispensing volume and realize small amount Dotting dispensing and wire drawing dispensing of high stability and high precision. Furthermore, work efficiency that can change syringe for easily, and is high is promise. It is high-dimensional and meets severe demand for dispensing work of liquid materials and highly viscous liquid agent with particle. ・⇒ cost of material reduction which “uses up” materials till the last ・Simple syringe change ⇒ downtime reduction ・Consumables large extension of life ⇒ maintenance loss reduction ・It is synchronized speed ® function correspondence ⇒ adjustment loss reduction New develop





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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