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리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelCS-1000A
  • MakerMinolta
  • DescriptionSpectroradiometer
  • Rental문의요망
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The portable Konica Minolta color meters are in their element when not only the brightness but also the color of light is to be measured. The wide selection offers the appropriate instrument for every application, from the simple tristimulus unit up to a spectroradiometer with spectral lenses.
Areas of application

Practically anything that illuminates can be measured with Konica Minolta’s incident color meters. The possible uses range from research and development to production.

The CS-1000 Spectroradiometer gives the measurement of spectral power distribution, luminance, chromaticity and correlated color temperature of light sources, display devices and the non-contact measurement of reflective subjects.

The CS-1000 is Konica Minolta’s portable spectroradiometer, used for precise measurement of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum. A high resolution photodiode cell accurately captures 380 nm to 780 nm in 0.9 nm wavelength intervals. The CS-1000 is therefore ideal for absolute measurement of TFT monitors, LCD’s, fluorescent lamps, LED’s, etc. The polarisation error is minimized to below 5% by a special light wave conductor optic inside the CS-1000. An electrically-cooled sensor and time current measurements optimises the signal to noise relationship and lead to an excellent repeatability and measurement accuracy even with very dark light sources.

The SLR (single lens reflex) optical system allows precise targeting and ensures a parallax free view. The viewfinder image shows the measurement peripheral; the actual measurement light reaches the sensor at an angle of 1° through a hole in the mirror. That way, polarisation problems caused by beam distributors or vibrations caused by a moving mirror are avoided. A large display shows the radiant physical and photometric values. The memory can hold 50 sets of data, 20 of which can be used as reference values for difference measurements.

The CS-1000A is equipped with two lenses in the standard configuration, a 50 mm standard lens and a 50 mm macro lens for the measurement of small objects. In addition, there are two additional lenses and extensive accessories for special tasks. To increase the accuracy, the lenses are included in the calibration process of the instrument and are matched to the instrument by serial number.

The CS-1000S Small Area Model
Konica Minolta has developed a small area model for very small objects like backlit symbols on keys and switches. This CS-1000S is delivered with a 1x – 3x zoom lens that allows measurements as small as 0.45 mm in diameter. With it, even the smallest surfaces can be measured.

The CS-1000T Small Angle Model
The small angle model is put into service when small surfaces must be measured from larger distances, (hot objects for example). Its 0.14° angle of measurement allows the measurement of areas only 1.2mm from up to half a metre away. From two metres away the measurement area is only 1 cm!

Product Overview

* Windows-compatible data management software is bundled as standard. A PC can be used to conveniently control your CS-1000 or to display, process, and save measurement results. In addition, this product is also capable of measuring object colors.
* Windows-compatible data management software CS-S10w Professional is bundled as standard. A PC can be used to conveniently control your CS-1000 or to display, process, and save measurement results. In addition, this product is also capable of measuring object colors.

Principal Applications

* Measurement of spectral data, luminance, chromaticity, and correlated color temperature for CRTs, LCDs, OLEDs, and other display devices.
* Measurement of spectral data, luminance, chromaticity, and correlated color temperature for lamps and other light sources.
* Reference device for a wide range of luminance and chromaticity measurement tools.
* Non-contact measurement of object color.

Main Features

The CS-1000A, CS-1000S, and CS-1000T use Konica Minolta’s proven color measurement technologies to deliver exceptional performance in terms of absolute-value accuracy, measurement repeatability, etc. Furthermore, a rigorous traceability system ensures high levels of quality.

* Repeatability for luminance: 0.1% + 1 digit; capability for chromaticity measurement with excellent precision of 0.0002.
* Use of polychromator ensures measurement speeds close to real-time.
* High-speed measurement in as little as 39 seconds for low-luminance conditions.
* Reduction of polarization differences ensures excellent accuracy for the measurement of LCDs, etc.
* Measurement can be carried out in sync with display devices.
* Precision guaranteed from as low as 1cd/m2.
* Sensor cooling improves S/N ratio enabling low-luminance measurements.
* Aperture mirrors are used to eliminate any misalignment between viewfinder indication and actual measurement spot.





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