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리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelD600ST-SP
  • MakerLeCroy
  • Description18V PK Max 4GHz
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18V PK Max 4GHz

The D600ST differential Small Tip Module connects to any WaveLink probe body and accepts differential Probe Tip Modules tp provide the user flexibility in connecting the probe to the circuit under test without degrading the electrical performance. The D600ST is provided with the following three interconnect lead assemblies

D600ST-SI: Solder-In interconnect lead assembly provides the highest level of electrical performance.
D600ST-QC: Quick Connect interconnect lead assembly allows the probe to be moved quickly between different test points of the circuit.
D600ST-SP: Square Pin interconnect lead assembly can be used on boards where standard 0.025″ square pins are used for interconnect.





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    개인정보 수집, 이용 및 처리방침

    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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