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리퍼비시 계측기

DL850E – M2 B5 HD1 C20 P4

  • ModelDL850E
  • MakerYokogawa
  • DescriptionScopeCorder
  • OptionM2 B5 HD1 C20 P4
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The most feature-rich ScopeCorder, the DL850E combines a mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder into a modular platform designed to capture both high-speed transients and low speed trends.

Combining signal conditioning, signal processing, and large recording memory, the DL850E is ready to be configured to meet your application demands. With its menu-driven user interface, advanced features are easily accessible, so you can gain insights and solve problems faster.

Flexible and Swappable Input Modules With Built-in Signal Conditioning

Choose from 20 types of input modules and install up to 8 in the DL850E ScopeCorder at a time to capture up to 128 channels. Input types include:

  • Voltage & Currents
  • Sensor Outputs
  • Temperature, Vibration/Acceleration, Strain, Frequency
  • Logic Signals & CAN / CAN FD / LIN and SENT

Eliminate Post Processing

Optional Real-Time Math and Power Math Processing
Available real-time digital signal processors calculate math functions or electrical power parameters. Results are plotted on the screen in real-time and can be measured with cursors, captured with triggers, and saved to disk, making the DL850E a productive tool for motors and drives and other time-based power engineering.

GiGAZoom Engine II
Zoom into two billion samples in just the blink of an eye. A dedicated zoom processor can operate two zoom windows with zero delay.

Cursor Measurement
Available cursors are horizontal, vertical, marker, degree or combined horizontal & vertical.

Automated Parameter Measurement
Measure up to 29 different waveform parameters in different time conditions, including:

  • Entire waveform
  • Per cycle
  • Between cursors
  • Cycle statistics
  • History statistics

Never Miss a Data Point
Capture data for up to 200 days using up to 2Gpoint memory and optional hard disk recording. The History Memory function saves previous trigger data for later search and analysis.

The dual capture function is ideal for long-term testing. Capture the important transient events at a high sample rate while recording steady-state data at a low sample rate. The DL850E automatically switches to a high sampling rate when the trigger condition is met.

Time Synchronization

Correlate data with important events using the optional GPS and IRIG timing functions. The DL850E internal clock and sample clock can be aligned to synchronize multiple systems in remote locations. Merge data sets using XViewer PC software for easier analysis.

Most processing options

  • 29 waveform parameter measurements
  • Optional real-time math
  • Optional power math

Highest channel count

  • 8 input module slots
  • Up to 128 channels
  • Up to 100 MS/s sampling rate
  • Up to 16-bit analog resolution

Deepest memory

  • Up to 2 gigapoints waveform memory
  • Optional internal HDD
  • Optional external eSATA port for external drives
  • Maximum 200 days recording time

M2 Memory Expansion 2G

B5 Built-in Printer

HD1 : Internal HDD

C20 : IRIG, GP-IB interface

P4 : 4 Probe power outputs





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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