리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelDPO5034B
  • MakerTektronix
  • DescriptionOscilloscope; Digital Phosphor, 350MHz, 5GS/s
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Oscilloscope; Digital Phosphor, 350MHz, 5GS/s

odel overview









Input Channels
Bandwidth 350 MHz 500 MHz 1 GHz 2 GHz
Rise Time (Calculated) 1 ns 700 ps 350 ps 175 ps
DC Gain Accuracy ±1.5%, derated at 0.10%/°C above 30 °C
Bandwidth Limits Depending on instrument model: 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, 250 MHz, and 20 MHz
Effective Number of Bits (Typical) 6 bits (10 divisionp-p sine wave input at instrument bandwidth, 100 mV/div, 50 Ω Input Impedance, maximum sample rate, 1 k point record length)
Random Noise (RMS, typical, sample mode, full BW, 50 Ω)
  1 mV/div 173 μV 178 μV 68 μV 70 μV
  2 mV/div 216 μV 236 μV 128 μV 158 μV
  5 mV/div 231 μV 281 μV 214 μV 307 μV
  10 mV/div 305 μV 340 μV 315 μV 485 μV
  20 mV/div 504 μV 523 μV 547 μV 791 μV
  50 mV/div 1.15 mV 1.17 mV 1.29 mV 1.82 mV
  100 mV/div 2.40 mV 2.46 mV 3.08 mV 4.75 mV
  1 V/div 22.96 mV 22.98 mV 23.15 mV 29.58 mV
Maximum Sample Rate (All channels) 5 GS/s 5 GS/s 5 GS/s 5 GS/s
Maximum Sample Rate (1 or 2 channels) 5 GS/s 5 GS/s 10 GS/s 10 GS/s
Maximum Equivalent Time Sampling Rate 400 GS/s
Maximum Record Length with Standard Configuration 25 M 25 M (4 ch)
50 M (1 or 2 ch)
Maximum Record Length with Option 5RL 50 M 50 M (4 ch)
125 M (1 or 2 ch)
Maximum Record Length with Option 10RL 125 M 125 M (4 ch)
250 M (1 or 2 ch)
Vertical system analog channels
Input coupling
Input resistance
1 MΩ ±1%, 50 Ω ±1%
Input sensitivity range

1 MΩ: 1 mV/div to 10 V/div

50 Ω: 1 mV/div to 1 V/div

Vertical resolution
8 bits (>11 bits with Hi Res)
Maximum input voltage, 1 MΩ

300 VRMSCAT II, with peaks ≤ ±425 V

For <100 mV/div derate at 20 dB/decade above 100 kHz to 30 VRMSat 1 MHz, 10 dB/decade above 1 MHz

For ≥100 mV/div derate at 20 dB/decade above 3 MHz to 30 VRMSat 30 MHz, 10 dB/decade above 30 MHz

Maximum input voltage, 50 Ω
5 VRMS, with peaks ≤ ±20 V
Position range
±5 divisions
Delay between any Two Channels (Typical)

≤100 ps (50 Ω, DC coupling and equal V/div at or above 10 mV/div)

Offset range
1 mV/div – 50 mV/div

1 MΩ: ±1 V

50 Ω: ±1 V

50.5 mV/div – 99.5 mV/div

1 MΩ: ±0.5 V

50 Ω: ±0.5 V

100 mV/div – 500 mV/div

1 MΩ: ±10 V

50 Ω: ±10 V

505 mV/div – 995 mV/div

1 MΩ: ±5 V

50 Ω: ±5 V

1 V/div – 5 V/div

1 MΩ: ±100 V

50 Ω: ±5 V

5.05 V/div – 10 V/div

1 MΩ: ±50 V

50 Ω: NA

Offset Accuracy

±(0.005 × |offset – position| + DC Balance)

Note: Both position and constant offset term must be converted to volts by multiplying by the appropriate volts/div term

Channel-to-channel isolation (Any two channels at equal vertical scale settings) (typical)

≥100:1 at ≤100 MHz and ≥30:1 at >100 MHz up to the rated BW

Vertical system digital channels
Input Channels
16 Digital (D15 – D0)
Per-channel Thresholds
Threshold Selections
TTL, ECL, User
User-defined Threshold Range

±40 V

Threshold Accuracy
±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)
Maximum Input Voltage
±42 Vpeak
Input Dynamic Range

30 Vp-p≤200 MHz

10 Vp-p>200 MHz

Minimum Voltage Swing
400 mV
Input Impedance
100 kΩ
Probe Loading
3 pF
Vertical Resolution
1 bit
Horizontal system analog channels
Maximum Duration at Highest Real-Time Sample Rate

25 ms

Time Base Range
12.5 ps/div to 8,000,000 s/div
Time resolution (in ET/IT mode)
2.5 ps/div
Time base delay time range
–10 divisions to 1000 s
Channel-to-channel deskew range

±75 ns

Time base accuracy
±5 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval
Horizontal system digital channels
Maximum Sample Rate (Main)

500 MS/s (2 ns resolution)

Maximum record length (main)

25 M Standard

Up to 40 M with Record Length options

Maximum sample rate (MagniVu)

16.5 GS/s (60.6 ps resolution)

Maximum record length (MagniVu)

10k points centered around the trigger

Minimum detectable pulse width

1 ns

Channel-to-channel skew (typical)

200 ps

Maximum input toggle rate

500 MHz at minimum input swing; higher toggle rates can be achieved at higher amplitudes

Trigger system
Main trigger modes
Auto, Normal, and Single
Trigger coupling

DC, AC, HF Rej (attenuates >50 kHz), LF Rej (attenuates <50 kHz), Noise Reject (reduces sensitivity)

Trigger holdoff range
250 ns to 8 s
Enhanced triggering

User-selectable; corrects the difference in timing between the trigger path and the acquired data (not available in FastAcq)

Trigger jitter

≤100 fsRMSusing Enhanced Trigger

≤10 psRMSwithout Enhanced Trigger and in Fast Acq mode

≤100 psRMSfor non-Edge-type trigger modes

Trigger sensitivity
Internal DC coupled

For 1 MΩ: 1 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div: 0.75 div from DC to 50MHz, increasing to 1.3 div at instrument bandwidth ≥5 mV/div: 0.40 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 1 div at instrument bandwidth

For 50 Ω (MSO5204, DPO5204, MSO5104, DPO5104): 0.40 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 1 div at instrument bandwidth

For 50 Ω (MSO5054, DPO5054, MSO5034, DPO5034): 1 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div: 0.75 div from DC to 50MHz, increasing to 1.3 div at instrument bandwidth ≥5 mV/div: 0.40 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 1 div at instrument bandwidth

External (auxiliary input) 1 MΩ

200 mV from DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 500 mV at 250 MHz

Trigger level range
Any channel
±8 divisions from center of screen
External (auxiliary input)
±8 V
Fixed at about 50% of line voltage
Trigger modes
Positive, negative, or either slope on any channel or front-panel auxiliary input. Coupling includes DC, AC, HF reject, LF reject, and noise reject
Trigger on or reject glitches of positive, negative, or either polarity. Programmable glitch width is 4 ns minimum to 8 s maximum
Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again
Trigger on width of positive or negative pulse either within or outside selectable limits (4 ns to 8 s)
Trigger on an event which remains high, low, or either, for a specified time period (4 ns to 8 s)
Trigger on pulse edge rates that are faster or slower than specified. Slope may be positive, negative, or either
Trigger on violations of both setup time and hold time between clock and data present on any two input channels

Trigger when any logical pattern of signals goes false or stays true for specified period of time (4 ns to 1 s). Pattern (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) specified for all analog and digital input channels defined as High, Low, or Don’t Care

Parallel Bus
Trigger on specified data value on defined parallel bus
Any logical pattern of analog channels and digital channels (MSO models) clocked by edge on another channel. Trigger on rising or falling clock edge
Trigger on all lines, specific line number, odd, even, or all fields on NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and HDTV 480p/60, 576p/50, 875i/60, 720p/30, 720p/50, 720p/60, 1080/24sF, 1080i/50, 1080p/25, 1080i/60, 1080p/24, 1080p/25, 1080p/50, 1080p/60, Bi-level, Tri-level
Trigger Sequences

Main, Delayed by Time, Delayed by Events. All sequences can include separate horizontal delay after the trigger event to position the acquisition window in time

A/B Sequence Event Trigger Types


Trigger Delay by Time
4 ns to 8 s
Trigger Delay by Events
1 to 4,000,000 events
Visual Trigger

Trigger on up to 8 user-specified areas, including rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, hexagon, and user-specified shapes on any of the analog channels

I2C (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-EMBD. Trigger on Start, Repeated Start, Stop, Missing ACK, Address (7 or 10 bit), Data, or Address and Data on I2C buses up to 10 Mb/s

SPI (Optional)
Provided as part of Opt. SR-EMBD. Trigger on Slave Select, Idle Time, or Data (1-16 words) on SPI buses up to 10 Mb/s
CAN (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-AUTO. Trigger on Start of Frame, Type of Frame (Data, Remote, Error, or Overload), Identifier, Data, Identifier and Data, EOF, Missing Ack, Bit Stuff Error, and CRC Error on CAN buses up to 1 Mb/s

LIN (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-AUTO. Trigger on Sync, Identifier, Data, Identifier and Data, Wakeup Frame, Sleep Frame, and Error on LIN buses up to 1 Mb/s

FlexRay (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-AUTO. Trigger on Indicator Bits (Normal, Payload, Null, Sync, Startup), Cycle Count, Header Fields (Indicator Bits, Identifier, Payload Length, Header CRC, and Cycle Count), Identifier, Data, Identifier and Data, End Of Frame, and Error on FlexRay buses up to 10 Mb/s

MIL-STD-1553 (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-AERO. Trigger on Sync, Command Word, Status Word, Data Word, Idle Time, and Error on MIL-STD-1553 buses up to 1 Mb/s

Ethernet (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-ENET. Trigger on Start of Packet, MAC Address, MAC Q-tag, MAC Length/Type, MAC Data, IP Header, TCP Header,

TCP/IPV4 Data, End of Packet, and FCS(CRC) Error on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX buses.

RS-232/422/485/UART (Optional)

Provided as part of Opt. SR-COMP. Trigger on Start Bit, End of Packet, Data, and Parity Error up to 10 Mb/s

USB 2.0 Low Speed: (Optional)
Provided as part of Opt. SR-USB.

Trigger on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet Trigger – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be specified for Any, OUT, IN, and SETUP token types. Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular value, or inside or outside a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don’t Care digits.

Data Packet Trigger – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular data value, or inside or outside a range.

Handshake Packet Trigger – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL.

Special Packet Trigger – Any special type, Reserved.

Error Trigger – PID Check, CRC5 or CRC16, Bit Stuffing.

USB 2.0 Full Speed: (Optional)
Provided as part of Opt. SR-USB.

Trigger on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet Trigger – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be specified for Any, OUT, IN, and SETUP token types. Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular value, or inside or outside a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don’t Care digits.

Data Packet Trigger – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular data value, or inside or outside a range.

Handshake Packet Trigger – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL.

Special Packet Trigger – Any special type, PRE, Reserved.

Error Trigger – PID Check, CRC5 or CRC16, Bit Stuffing.

USB 2.0 High Speed: (Optional)
Provided as part of Opt. SR-USB.

Trigger on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet Trigger – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be specified for Any, OUT, IN, and SETUP token types. Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular value, or inside or outside a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don’t Care digits.

Data Packet Trigger – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1, DATA2, DATAM; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, != a particular data value, or inside or outside a range.

Handshake Packet Trigger – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL, NYET.

Special Packet Trigger – Any special type, ERR, SPLIT, PING, Reserved. SPLIT packet components that can be specified include:

Hub Address

Start/Complete – Don’t Care, Start (SSPLIT), Complete (CSPLIT) Port Address

Start and End bits – Don’t Care, Control/Bulk/Interrupt (Full-speed Device, Low-speed Device), Isochronous (Data is Middle, Data is End, Data is Start, Data is All)

Endpoint Type – Don’t Care, Control, Isochronous, Bulk, Interrupt

Error Trigger – PID Check, CRC5, CRC16, Any.

Note: USB 2.0 High-speed triggering, decoding, and search only available on 1 GHz and 2 GHz models.

Acquisition system
Acquisition modes
Acquire sampled values
Peak detect

Captures narrow glitches as narrow as 100 ps (2 GHz and 1 GHz models) or 200 ps (500 MHz and 350 MHz models) at all real-time sampling rates

From 2 to 10,000 waveforms included in average

Min-Max envelope reflecting Peak Detect data over multiple acquisitions


Real-time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and increases resolution

Roll mode

Scrolls sequential waveform points across the display in a right-to-left rolling motion at sweep speeds slower than 50 ms/div. Up to 20 MS/s with a maximum record length of 10 M


FastAcq optimizes the instrument for analysis of dynamic signals and capture of infrequent events

Maximum FastAcq waveform capture rate

>250,000 wfms/s on all 4 channels simultaneously

Waveform database

Accumulate waveform database providing three-dimensional array of amplitude, time, and counts


Acquisition memory divided into segments; maximum trigger rate >310,000 waveforms per second. Time of arrival recorded with each event. Frame finder tool helps to visually identify transients

Automated Search and Mark

Automatically mark events and document waveforms. Search positive/negative slopes or both, glitches, runts, pulse widths, transition rate, setup and hold, timeout, windows, or find any logic or state pattern, up to 8 different event types on any of the 4 analog channels. Search DDR Read or Write bursts with Opt. DDRA. Event table summarizes all found events. All events are time stamped in reference to trigger position. Stop acquisitions when an event is found

Waveform analysis
Waveform measurements

Waveform and Screen

Automatic measurements

53, of which 8 can be displayed on-screen at any one time. Measurements include: Period, Frequency, Delay, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Positive Width, Negative Width, Burst Width, Phase, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, Peak-to-Peak, Amplitude, High, Low, Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Area, Cycle Area

Eye-pattern measurements

Extinction Ratio (absolute, %, dB), Eye Height, Eye Width, Eye Top, Eye Base, Crossing %, Jitter (p-p, RMS, 6sigma), Noise (p-p, RMS), Signal/Noise Ratio, Cycle Distortion, Q-Factor

Measurement statistics
Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation
Reference levels

User-definable reference levels for automatic measurements can be specified in either percent or units


Isolate the specific occurrence within an acquisition to take measurements on, using either screen or waveform cursors

Waveform histogram

A waveform histogram provides an array of data values representing the total number of hits inside a user-defined region of the display. A waveform histogram is both a visual graph of the hit distribution and a numeric array of values that can be measured. Sources – Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4, Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Math 4 

Types – Vertical, Horizontal

Waveform histogram measurements

Waveform Count, Hits in Box, Peak Hits, Median, Maximum, Minimum, Peak-to-Peak, Mean (μ), Standard Deviation (sigma), μ +1sigma, μ +2sigma, μ +3sigma

Waveform processing/math

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide waveforms and scalars

Algebraic expressions

Define extensive algebraic expressions including waveforms, scalars, user-adjustable variables, and results of parametric measurements. Perform math on math using complex equations. e.g. (Integral (CH1 – Mean(CH1)) × 1.414 × VAR1)

Math functions

Average, Invert, Integrate, Differentiate, Square Root, Exponential, Log10, Log e, Abs, Ceiling, Floor, Min, Max, Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan, Sinh, Cosh, Tanh

Boolean result of comparison >, <, ≥, ≤, ==, !=
Frequency domain functions (FFT)

Spectral Magnitude and Phase, Real and Imaginary Spectra

FFT vertical units

Magnitude: Linear, dB, dBm

Phase: Degrees, radians, group delay

FFT window functions

Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Kaiser-Bessel, Blackman-Harris, Gaussian, Flattop2, Tek Exponential

Waveform definition
As an arbitrary math expression
Filtering functions

User-definable filters. Users specify a filter containing the coefficients of the filter. Filter files provided

Custom math functions

Custom MATLAB and .NET plug-ins can be included in the math waveform definition

Mask function

A function that generates a waveform database pixmap from a sample waveform. Sample count can be defined

IVI driver

Provides a standard instrument programming interface for common applications such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Microsoft .NET and MATLAB. IVI-COM standard

LXI Class C web interface

Connect to the MSO/DPO5000B Series through a standard Web browser by simply entering the oscilloscope’s IP address in the address bar of the browser. The web interface enables viewing of instrument status and configuration, as well as status and modification of network settings. All web interaction conforms to LXI Class C specification

Display system
Display type

10.4 in. (264 mm) liquid-crystal active-matrix color display with touch screen

Display resolution
1024 horizontal × 768 vertical pixels (XGA)
Waveform styles
Vectors, dots, variable persistence, infinite persistence
Color palettes

Normal, green, gray, temperature, spectral, and user defined

Display format
Computer system
Operating system

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise IoT Edition

Intel i5-4400E 2.7 GHz processor
PC system memory
≥4 GB
Solid state disk drive

Removable solid state disk drive, 512 GB

Optical wheel mouse, USB interface

Order 119-7083-xx for small keyboard; USB interface and hub

Input output ports
USB 2.0 High-speed host ports

Supports USB mass storage devices, printers, keyboard, and mouse. Two ports on front and four ports on rear of instrument. Can be disabled individually

USB 1.1 Full-speed device port

Rear-panel connector allows for communication/control of oscilloscope through USBTMC or GPIB (with a TEK-USB-488 adapter)

LAN port
RJ-45 connector, supports 10/100/1000BASE-T
Video out port

DB-15 female connector, connect to show the oscilloscope display on an external monitor or projector. Support for extended desktop and clone mode

Audio ports
Miniature phono jacks
Keyboard port
PS/2 compatible
Mouse port
PS/2 compatible
Auxiliary input

Front-panel BNC connector. Input impedance 1 MΩ. Max input 300 VRMSwith peaks ≤ ±425 V

Auxiliary out (software switchable)

Trigger Out: A TTL compatible pulse when the oscilloscope triggers

Time Base Reference Out: A TTL compatible output of internal 10 MHz reference oscillator

External reference in

Time base system can phase lock to an external 10 MHz reference (10 MHz ±1%)

Probe compensator output

Front-panel pins

Amplitude: 2.5 V

Frequency: 1 kHz

LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI)
Class: LXI Class C
Version: 1.3 
Optional TekVPI® external power supply
Required when total oscilloscope probe power usage exceeds 15 W.

Output Voltage
12 V
Output Current
5 A
Power Consumption
50 W
Power source
Power source voltage
100 to 240 V ±10%
Power source frequency

45 Hz to 66 Hz (85 to 264 V)

360 Hz to 440 Hz (100 to 132 V)

Power consumption
275 W maximum
Physical characteristics
  mm in.
Height 233  9.16 
Width 439  17.29 
Depth 206  8.12 
  kg lb.
Net 6.7  14.9 
Shipping 12.5  27.5 
Rackmount configuration


Cooling clearance
  in. mm
Left Side 51 
Right Side
Rear 51 
EMC environmental and safety

0 °C to +50 °C

–20 °C to +60 °C

8% to 90% relative humidity with a maximum wet-bulb temperature of 29 °C at or below +50 °C (upper limit de-rates to 20.6% relative humidity at +50 °C). Noncondensing


5% to 98% relative humidity with a maximum wet-bulb temperature of 40 °C at or below +60 °C (upper limit de-rates to 29.8% relative humidity at +60 °C). Noncondensing

3,000 m (9,843 ft.)
9,144 m (30,000 ft.)
Electromagnetic compatibility

UL61010-1; CSA61010-1, EN61010-1; IEC 61010-1 

Ordering information
DPO5000B models
DPO5034B 350 MHz, 5 GS/s, 25 M record length, 4-channel digital phosphor oscilloscope
DPO5054B 500 MHz, 5 GS/s, 25 M record length, 4-channel digital phosphor oscilloscope
DPO5104B 1 GHz, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 ch), 50 M/25 M record length, 4-channel digital phosphor oscilloscope
DPO5204B 2 GHz, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 ch), 50 M/25 M record length, 4-channel digital phosphor oscilloscope
MSO5000B models
MSO5034B 350 MHz, 5 GS/s, 25 M record length, 4+16 channel mixed signal oscilloscope
MSO5054B 500 MHz, 5 GS/s, 25 M record length, 4+16 channel mixed signal oscilloscope
MSO5104B 1 GHz, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 ch), 50 M/25 M record length, 4+16 channel mixed signal oscilloscope
MSO5204B 2 GHz, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 ch), 50 M/25 M record length, 4+16 channel mixed signal oscilloscope
Standard accessories
TPP0500B One passive voltage probe per analog channel (500 MHz, 10X, 3.9 pF) for 500 MHz and 350 MHz models
TPP1000 One passive voltage probe per analog channel (1 GHz, 10X, 3.9 pF) for 2 GHz and 1 GHz models
200-5130-xx Front cover
119-6107-xx Touch-screen stylus
071-298x-xx User Manual (please specify language when ordering)
— Advanced Search and Mark, DPOJET Essentials, Visual Trigger and Search, and Limit Test all included standard
— Accessory pouch
— Mouse
— Calibration Certificate documenting measurement traceability to National Metrology Institute(s), Z 540-1 Compliance and ISO9001
— Power Cord (please specify power plug option when ordering)
— One-year warranty
P6616 16-channel logic probe for MSO Models
020-2662-xx Logic probe accessory kit for MSO Models

Option Description
Opt. SR-USB USB 2.0 serial triggering and analysis (LS, FS, HS)
Enables triggering on packet-level content for low-speed, full-speed, and high-speed USB serial buses. Also enables analytical tools such as bus
views, packet decoding, search tools, and packet decode tables with time stamp information for low-speed, full-speed, and high-speed USB serial
Signal Inputs – Low-speed and Full-speed: Any Ch1 – Ch4 (and any D0 – D15 on MSO models) for single ended, Any Ch1 – Ch4 for differential;
High-speed: Any Ch1 – Ch4
Recommended probing – Low-speed and Full-speed: Single ended or differential; High-speed: Differential (USB high-speed supported only on
1 GHz and 2 GHz models.)
Opt. SSD Additional customer-installable removable Solid State Drive with Microsoft Windows 10 OS, TekScope, and applications software installed
Opt. SVA AM/FM/PM Audio Signal Analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
Opt. SVE SignalVu® Essentials – Vector signal analysis software
Opt. SVM SignalVu® General Purpose Modulation Analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
Opt. SVP SignalVu® Advanced Signal Analysis (including pulse measurements) (Requires Opt. SVE)
Opt. SVT SignalVu® Frequency and Phase Settling Time Measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
Opt. SV26 SignalVu® APCO P25 measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
Opt. USB2 USB 2.0 Automated Compliance Test Application (Requires TDSUSBF USB Test Fixture. 2 GHz bandwidth required for high-speed USB)
Opt. USBPWR Automated compliance test solution for USB power adapters
Bundle options
These bundled items must be purchased at the same time as the instrument purchase.
Option Description
Opt. PS2 Power Solution Bundle: DPOPWR, THDP0200, TCP0030A, 067-1686-xx (Deskew fixture)
Opt. PS3 Power Solution Bundle: DPOPWR, TMDP0200, TCP0020, 067-1686-xx (Deskew fixture)
Floating options
Floating licenses offer an alternative method to manage your Tektronix asset. Floating licenses allow license-key enabled options to be easily moved among all your MSO/
DPO5000, DPO7000, and DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series Tektronix oscilloscopes. Floating licenses are available for the following license-key enabled options.
Check http://www.tek.com/products/oscilloscopes/floatinglicenses for additional information about floating license options.
Option Description
DPOFL-BRR BroadR-Reach/100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 Compliance Testing (Requires TF-GBE-BTP and TF-BRR-CFD Test Fixtures)
(Available on 1 GHz and 2 GHz models only)
DPOFL-DDRA DDR Memory bus analysis (Requires Opt. DJA) (Available on 1 GHz and 2 GHz models only)
DPOFL-DJA Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools – Advanced (DPOJET)
DPOFL-DJAN DPOJET Noise, jitter, and eye analysis tools (Requires Opt. DJA)
DPOFL-CMENET3 TekExpress Ethernet Automated 10/100/1000 BASE-T Solution (or purchase DPOFL-CMENET3A if you already have DPOFLCMENET3A)
DPOFL-ET3 Ethernet compliance testing (Requires TF-GBE-BTP or TF-GBE-ATP Ethernet test fixture.)
DPOFL-MOST MOST Essentials – Electrical compliance and debug test solution (MOST50, MOST150) (Requires Opt. DJA)
DPOFL-MTM Mask testing
DPOFL-PWR Power measurement and analysis
DPOFL-SR-AERO Aerospace serial triggering and analysis (MIL-STD-1553)
DPOFL-SR-AUTO Automotive serial triggering and analysis (CAN/LIN/FlexRay)
DPOFL-SR-COMP Computer serial triggering and analysis (RS-232/422/485/UART)
DPOFL-SR-DPHY MIPI® D-PHY serial analysis
DPOFL-SR-EMBD Embedded serial triggering and analysis (I2C, SPI)

Option Description
DPOFL-SR-ENET Ethernet serial triggering and analysis (10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX)
DPOFL-SR-PCIE PCI Express serial analysis (Available on ≥1 GHz models only)
DPOFL-SR-USB USB 2.0 serial triggering and analysis (LS, FS, HS)
DPOFL-SR-810B 8b/10b serial analysis
DPOFL-SVA SignalVu® AM/FM/PM/Direct Audio measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
DPOFL-SVE SignalVu® Essentials – Vector signal analysis software
DPOFL-SVM SignalVu® General purpose modulation analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
DPOFL-SVP SignalVu® Pulse – Advanced signal analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
DPOFL-SVT SignalVu® Settling time measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
DPOFL-SV26 SignalVu® APCO P25 measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
DPOFL-USB2 USB 2.0 Automated Compliance Test Application (Requires TDSUSBF USB Test Fixture. 2 GHz bandwidth required for highspeed USB)
DPOFL-USBPWR Automated compliance test solution for USB power adapters
Power plug options
Opt. A0 North America power plug (115 V, 60 Hz)
Opt. A1 Universal Euro power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A2 United Kingdom power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A3 Australia power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A5 Switzerland power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A6 Japan power plug (100 V, 50/60 Hz)
Opt. A10 China power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A11 India power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A12 Brazil power plug (60 Hz)
Opt. A99 No power cord
User manual options
Opt. L0 English manual
Opt. L1 French manual
Opt. L3 German manual
Opt. L5 Japanese manual
Opt. L7 Simplified Chinese manual
Opt. L8 Traditional Chinese manual
Opt. L9 Korean manual
Opt. L10 Russian manual

Service options
Opt. C3 Calibration Service 3 Years
Opt. C5 Calibration Service 5 Years
Opt. D1 Calibration Data Report
Opt. D3 Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Opt. C3)
Opt. D5 Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Opt. C5)
Opt. R3 Repair Service 3 Years (including warranty)
Opt. R5 Repair Service 5 Years (including warranty)
Probes and accessories are not covered by the oscilloscope warranty and Service Offerings. Refer to the datasheet of each probe and accessory model for its unique warranty
and calibration terms.
Upgrade options
To upgrade your MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscope, order DPO-UP and an option listed below. For example, to add option DDRA, DDR Memory Technology Analysis
Package, order DPO-UP DDRA.
To upgrade record length:
RL25E From standard 25 M/channel configuration to Opt. 5RL configuration
RL210E From standard 25 M/channel configuration to Opt. 10RL configuration
RL510E From Opt. 5RL configuration to Opt. 10RL configuration
To add a solid state hard disk
SSDE Add an additional customer-installable removable Solid State Drive assembly with Microsoft Windows 7 OS, TekScope, and
applications software installed
DPO5SSD-W10 Add an additional customer-installable removable Solid State Drive assembly with Microsoft Windows 10 OS, TekScope, and
applications software installed. Note: order DPO5SSD-W10, do not order DPO-UP for this SSD.
To upgrade MSO/DPO5000B Series
BRR Add Opt. BRR – BroadR-Reach/100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 Compliance Testing (Requires TF-GBE-BTP and TF-BRR-CFD
Test Fixtures) (Available on 1 GHz and 2 GHz models only)
DDRA Add Opt. DDRA (Requires Opt. DJA.) (Available on 1 GHz and 2 GHz models only)
DJAE Add Opt. DJA – Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools – Advanced (DPOJET)
DJAN Add Opt. DJAN – DPOJET Noise, jitter, and eye analysis tools (Requires Opt. DJA)
CMENET3 Add Opt. CMENET3 – TekExpress Ethernet Automated 10/100/1000 BASE-T Solution (or purchase CMENET3A if you already
have Opt. ET3)
ET3 Add Opt. ET3 – Ethernet Compliance Testing (Requires TF-GBE-BTP or TF-GBE-ATP Ethernet Test Fixture)
MOST Add Opt. MOST – MOST Essentials – Electrical Compliance and Debug Test Solution (MOST50, MOST150) (Requires Opt. DJA)
MTM Add Opt. MTM – Mask Testing
PWR Add Opt. PWR – Power Measurement and Analysis
SR-AERO Add Opt. SR-AERO – Aerospace Serial Triggering and Analysis (MIL-STD-1553)
SR-AUTO Add Opt. SR-AUTO – Automotive Serial Triggering and Analysis (CAN/LIN/FlexRay)
SR-COMP Add Opt. SR-COMP – Computer Serial Triggering and Analysis (RS-232/422/485/UART)
SR-DPHY Add Opt. SR-DPHY – MIPI D-PHY Serial Analysis (DSI-1, CSI-2)
SR-EMBD Add Opt. SR-EMBD – Embedded Serial Triggering and Analysis (I2C, SPI)
SR-ENET Add Opt. SR-ENET – Ethernet Serial Triggering and Analysis (10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX)
SR-PCIE Add PCI Express Serial Analysis (Available on ≥1 GHz models only.)
SR-USB Add Opt. SR-USB – USB 2.0 Serial Triggering and Analysis (LS, FS, HS)

SR-810B Add 8b/10b Serial Analysis
SVA Add SignalVu AM/FM/Direct Audio Measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
SVEE Add Opt. SVE – SignalVu Essentials – Vector Signal Analysis Software
SVM Add SignalVu General-purpose Modulation Analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
SVP Add SignalVu Pulse – Advanced Signal Analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
SVT Add SignalVu Settling Time Measurements – Frequency and Phase (Requires Opt. SVE)
SV26 Add Opt. SV26 – SignalVu® APCO P25 measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
USB2 Add Opt. USB2 – USB 2.0 Automated Compliance Test Application (Requires TDSUSBF USB Test Fixture) (2 GHz bandwidth
required for high-speed USB)
USBPWR Add Opt. USBPWR – Automated compliance test solution for USB power adapters
To upgrade DPO5000B Series to
MSOE Add 16 digital channels to a DPO5000B
Recommended accessories
077-0076-xx Service manual (PDF only)
077-0010-xx Programmer manual (PDF only)
077-0063-xx Performance verification and specifications manual (PDF only)
TPA-BNC TekVPI-to-TekProbe BNC adapter
TEK-DPG Deskew Pulse Generator
TEK-USB-488 GPIB-to-USB adapter
HCTEK54 Hard transit case
RMD5000 Rackmount kit
119-7275-xx Mini multimedia keyboard
119-8726-xx TekVPI external power supply – Required when probe power usage exceeds 15 W. Power cord not included. Specify power cord
when ordering.
020-3071-xx DPO Demo 3 board with dual-A to single-B USB cable
NEX-HD2HEADER 2 Mictor connector to square pin adapter
Test fixtures
067-1686-xx Probe Calibration / Power Deskew test fixture
TDSUSBF Test fixture for use with Opt. USB2
TF-BRR-CFD Automotive Ethernet Compliance Clock Frequency Divider fixture
TF-GBE-BTP Basic test package for 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet tests
TF-GBE-ATP Advanced test package for 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet (includes 1000BASE-T jitter test channel cable)
TF-GBE-EE Additional test fixture for Energy Efficient Ethernet measurements. Order through Crescent Heart Software (http://www.c-h-s.com)
P6701B Optical/Electrical converter (multi mode). Requires TekVPI® to TekProbe BNC adapter (TPA-BNC).
P6703B Optical/Electrical converter (single mode). Requires TekVPI® to TekProbe BNC adapter (TPA-BNC).
2 Notice to EU customers: This product is not updated to comply with the RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU and will not be shipped to the EU. Customers may be able to purchase products from
inventory that were placed on the EU market prior to July 22, 2017 until supplies are depleted. Tektronix is committed to helping you with your solution needs. Please contact your local sales
representative for further assistance or to determine if alternative product(s) are available. Tektronix will continue service to the end of worldwide support life.
Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes – MSO5000B, DPO5000B Series
Probes Tektronix offers over 100 different probes to meet your application needs. For a comprehensive listing of available probes, please
visit www.tek.com/probes.
TPP0500B 500 MHz, 10X TekVPI® passive voltage probe with 3.9 pF input capacitance
TPP1000 1 GHz, 10X TekVPI passive voltage probe with 3.9 pF input capacitance
TPP0502 500 MHz, 2X TekVPI passive voltage probe
TAP2500 2.5 GHz TekVPI active single-ended voltage probe
TAP1500 1.5 GHz TekVPI active single-ended voltage probe
TDP3500 3.5 GHz TekVPI differential voltage probe with ±2 V differential input voltage
TDP1500 1.5 GHz TekVPI differential voltage probe with ±8.5 V differential input voltage
TDP1000 1 GHz TekVPI differential voltage probe with ±42 V differential input voltage
TDP0500 500 MHz TekVPI differential voltage probe with ±42 V differential input voltage
TIVM1 Differential Probe; 1 GHz, Up to 50X, ±50 V, TekVPI, 3 Meter Cable
TIVM1L Differential Probe; 1 GHz, Up to 50X, ±50 V, TekVPI, 10 Meter Cable
TIVH08 Differential Probe; 800 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 3 Meter Cable
TIVH08L Differential Probe; 800 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 10 Meter Cable
TIVH05 Differential Probe; 500 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 3 Meter Cable
TIVH05L Differential Probe; 500 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 10 Meter Cable
TIVH02 Differential Probe; 200 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 3 Meter Cable
TIVH02L Differential Probe; 200 MHz, Up to 2500X, ±2.5 kV, TekVPI, 10 Meter Cable
TCP0150 20 MHz TekVPI 150 Ampere AC/DC current probe
TCP0030A 120 MHz TekVPI 30 Ampere AC/DC current probe
TCP0020 50 MHz TekVPI 20 Ampere AC/DC current probe
TPP0850 2.5 kV, 800 MHz TekVPI high-voltage passive probe
TRCP0300 30 MHz, 250 mA to 300 A, AC current probe
TRCP0600 30 MHz, 500 mA to 600 A, AC current probe
TRCP3000 16 MHz, 500 mA to 3000 A, AC current probe
TMDP0200 ±750 V, 200 MHz high-voltage differential probe
THDP0200 ±1.5 kV, 200 MHz high-voltage differential probe
THDP0100 ±6 kV, 100 MHz high-voltage differential probe
P5100A 2.5 kV, 500 MHz, 100X high-voltage passive probe
Recommended software
TekScopeNL-BAS TekScope Anywhere™ Waveform Analysis and Visualization Node locked license.
TekScopeFL-BAS TekScope Anywhere™ Waveform Analysis and Visualization floating license.
TekScopeNL-DJA Advanced Jitter Analysis for TekScope Anywhere™ Node locked license.
TekScopeFL-DJA Advanced Jitter Analysis for TekScope Anywhere™ floating license.
GRL-USB-PD USB Power Delivery electrical compliance and decode








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