리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelDS-3202
  • MakerOno Sokki
  • DescriptionMulti Channel Data Station
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

DS 3000 series Sound and Vibration Real-time Analysis System can perform real-time analysis of noise and vibration generated from products in various industries such as vehicles, railroads, home appliances and environmental equipment including wind power generators.


“Immediate reference of the required analysis screen” and “easy checking of the measurement conditions”, such quick and easy responses are one of the most important needs for on-site measurement.


The DS-3000 series exactly satisfies the needs of on-site measurement with the system that has both the hardware at overwhelming processing speed and the software with easy handling.

The DS-3000 series Data Station is a PC-based FFT Analyzer with high functions and high performance. This FFT Analyzer has two times or more of real-time analysis capability compared to the existing model the DS-2000 series, having the high-speed calculation performance, reliability, and user-friendliness based on our accumulated experience.

Supporting USB 3.0 enables fast data transmission by connecting a commercial cable for USB 3.0. Available up to 32 channels of simultaneous recording in audible frequency (20 kHz), with a dynamic range 110 dB max. (40 kHz unit only).

There are two types, 40 kHz unit and 100 kHz unit. The former one excels at measurement of acoustics and vibration, the latter is good at ultrasonic wave and frequency characteristic measurement.

In addition to multi-channel simultaneous measurement with a wideband frequency range, various acoustics· vibration analysis software can be used with the DS-3000 series. Wide variety of application of the DS-3000 series makes a great contribution to the problem solution at your measurement site.

DS-0362/0364 (for 40 kHz unit) DS-0366 (for 100 kHz unit)
Number of input channels DS-0362 : 2 ch
DS-0364 : 4 ch
2 ch
Input connector BNC (C02 type)
Input impedance 1 MΩ ±0.5 % 100 pF or less
Input format Single-ended Isolated single-ended
Input coupling DC or AC (-3dB, 0.55 Hz or less)
Isolation Insulation of each channel (continuous)
Dielectric strength voltage between inputs and input/output: 50 Vrms
Sensor power current +24 V/4 mA
Cable disconnection detecting function Detects cable disconnection when using CCLD
TEDS (* Note) IEEE1451.4 (Ver. 0.9, Ver.1.0) accelerometer, microphone

IEEE1451.4 (Ver.1.0) power sensor

Sound filter A and C frequency weightings
IEC 61672-1:2002 Class1
ANSI S1.4-1983 TYPE1
JIS C1509-1:2005 Class1
Input voltage range -40 to +20 dBVrms (7-range, 10 dB-step)
Absolute maximum input voltage AC 70 Vrms, for one minute (50 Hz) AC 50 Vrms, for one minute (50 Hz)
Residual offset voltage -20 to 20 dBVr range:-60 dB F.S.
-40 to -30 dBVr range:-40 dB F.S.
0 to 20 dBVr range:-60 dB F.S.
-40 to -10 dBVr range:-45 dB F.S.
Input level monitor

Lights up in red LED at excessive input.

Lights up in red for 95 % or more of a range F.S.

Frequency range DC to 40 kHz DC to 100 kHz
A/D convertor 24 bitΔΣ type 16 bit
Dynamic range 110 dB or more (40 kHz range, 0 dBVr range, analysis for 2048 points) 90 dB or more (at -10 to 20 dBVrms range)
70 dB or more (at -40 to -20 dBVrms range)
Amplitude flatness ±0.3 dB or less
Full scale accuracy ±0.1 dB or less (at 1 kHz) ±0.05 dB or less (at 1 kHz)
Amplitude linearity ±0.0015 % (with respect to F.S.) ±0.015 % (with respect to F.S.)
Channel-to-channel Cross-talk -100 dB or less (at 1 kHz)
Channel-to-channel gain accuracy ±0.3 dB or less (in the same range) ±0.05 dB or less (DC to 20 kHz)
±0.1 dB or less (20 kHz to 100 kHz, in the same range)
Channel-to-channel phase accuracy ±0.4° or less (up to 20 kHz)
±0.8° or less (20 kHz to 40 kHz)
 *Will be separately defined when unit connection by FRAME LINK. when unit connection
±0.3° or less (DC to 20 kHz)
±0.7° or less (20 kHz to 100 kHz, in the same range)
Digital filter   FFT aliasing filter
· Base-band: 10th order ellipse
· Zoom: 6th order eclipse

  Real-time octave band filter
 · 6 order butterworth : IEC61260-1995 Class1

Monitor output Output as the standardized signal by input voltage range.
When an acoustic filter is used, the output is the signal which passed through the filter.
Monitor output terminal φ3.5 stereo mini jack φ3.5 monaural mini jack (×2)
Monitor output voltage 1 Vrms F.S. ±1.0 % with respect to input range (with 1 MΩ load) 1 Vrms F.S.±1. 0% with respect to input range (with 1 MΩ load, at 1 kHz)
Output impedance Approx. 33 Ω
Outer dimensions 257 mm (W)×28 mm (H)×180 mm (D)
Power supply voltage Rated DC 15 V (10.5 to 16.5 V)
Supplied from a main unit
Operating temperature range 0 to 40 °C (with no condensation)
Storage temperature range 10 to 60 °C (with no condensation)
Weight 0.9 kg or less
CE marking Applicable

* DS-0362 can be used with the DS-0364 in the same system.
* DS-0362/0364 cannot be used with the DS-0366 in the same system.
* DS-0364 can be connected to up to 8 units (32 channels).
* DS-0366 can be connected to up to 2 units (4 channels).
* Software for DS-3000 series (model name: DS-03xx) can be used for both 40 kHz and 100 kHz units.
* Software for DS-2000A series (model name: DS-02xxA) can be used for only 40 kHz units. (cannot be used for 100 kHz units.)





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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