리퍼비시 계측기
DS1000E, DS1000D series are kinds of economical
digital oscilloscope with high-performance.
DS1000E series are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel.
DS1000D series are designed with dual channels
and 1 external trigger channel as well as 16
channels logic analyzer.
Main Features
Dual analog channels and 16 channels logic
analyzer, 100MHz maximum bandwidth,
1GSa/s maximum real-time sample rate and
25GSa/s maximum equivalent sample rate
5.6 inch 64k TFT LCD makes the waveform
displays more clear and vivid
Abundant trigger types: Edge, Pulse Width,
Video, Slope, Alternate, Pattern and
Unique adjustable trigger sensitivity enables
to meet different demands
Enable to measure 22 types of wave
parameters and track measurements via
cursor automatically
Unique waveform record and replay