리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelDSA8200
  • MakerTektronix
  • DescriptionDigital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope
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특징과 장점

  • DC ~ 70+ GHz*1의 대역폭 업계 최고의 시간축 정확도
    • 지터
    • 800fsRMS 표준
  • 최대 8개의 신호 포착 채널을 갖춘 모듈형 아키텍처 첨단 지터, 잡음 및 BER 분석
    • 1Gb/s ~ 60Gb/s의 고속 직렬 데이터 분석을 통해 아이 클로저의 정확한 원인 파악
    • 지터 및 잡음의 분리를 통해 고도로 정 확한 BER 외삽과 아이 컨투어
  • 고성능 TDR/TDT
    • 진정한 차동 스텝 생성기 및 신호 포착
    • 28ps 미만의 반사 상승 시간
    • 최대 4개의 차동 쌍 (8채널)
    • 고 충실도의 차동 및 단일 종단 프로빙
  • 자동화된 표준 마스크 테스팅
    • Sonet/SDH, Ethernet, OIF, Fibre Channel과 같은 통신 표준
    • SATA, SAS, PCI Express, Rapid IO와 같은 컴퓨터 표준
  • 100개 이상의 NRZ, 펄스 및 RZ 측정 기능을 갖춘 자동화된 측정 시스템 FrameScan신호 포착 모드
    • 데이터 종속 장애의 분리
    • 저 전력 신호 검사를 위한 신호 평균
  • 4색으로 표시되는 가변 지속 파형 데이터베이스
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 운영체제

Acquisition Modes

Mode Sample (Normal), Envelope, and Average
Number of Sampling Modules Accommodated Up to four dual-channel electrical; up to two optical sampling modules. (Both single- and dual-channel modules are appropriate for the two channels associated with the slot).
Population of the Ch 1/Ch 2 large slot with any module other than one requiring power only displaces functionality of the Ch 1/Ch 2 small slot; population of the Ch 3/Ch 4 large slot with any module other than one requiring power only displaces functionality of the Ch 3/Ch 4 small slot.
Number of Simultaneously Acquired Inputs Eight channels maximum.

Acquisition Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Vertical Systems
Rise Time/Bandwidth Determined by the sampling modules used.
Vertical Resolution 14 bits over the sampling modules’ dynamic range.
Horizontal System
Four timebase modes are available:
   Triggered Phase Reference*10 Timebase Mode Timing information extracted from a user-supplied or from clock recovery signal significantly improves timebase accuracy and jitter performance of the triggered acquisition. Horizontal position is referenced to the trigger signal as with a traditional timebase.
   Free Run Phase Reference*10 Timebase Mode All timing is based on a phase reference signal; accuracy and jitter as above; no trigger is needed, and correspondingly there is no timing relation to trigger signal.
   Short-term optimized Sequential*11 Timebase Mode Best short-delay performance for acquisitions without the external phase reference signal.
   Locked to 10 MHz Reference Sequential Timebase Provides the best long-delay performance for acquisitions without the external phase reference signal. The Lock is selectable between Lock to Internal 10 MHz and Lock to External 10 MHz for highest frequency accuracy.
Main and Magnification View Timebases 100 fs/div to 5 ms/div in 1-2-5 sequence or 100 fs increments.
Maximum Trigger Rate 200 kHz; in Phase Reference mode: 50 kHz.
Typical Acquisition Rate 150 ks/s per channel (standard sequential timebase); 50 ks/s (Phase Reference modes).
Time Interval Accuracy (Standard Timebase) and Timing Deviation (Phase Reference Modes)
Phase Reference Timebase: Triggered Maximum timing deviation relative to phase reference signal:
   Horizontal position after trigger event:
      >40 ns 0.2% of phase reference signal period (typical)
      ≤ 40 ns

0.4% of phase reference signal period (typical)

Note: The performance depends on stable clock supplied to the Phase Reference module. Performance under SSC is lower and depends on modulation shape.

Phase Reference Timebase: Free Run Maximum timing deviation relative to phase reference signal: 0.1% or better of phase reference signal period (typical)
Sequential Timebase*11
   Time Interval Accuracy, Horizontal scale:
       1 ps + 1% of interval.
      ≥21 ps/div 8 ps + 0.1% of interval (Short-term optimized mode).
8 ps + 0.01% of interval (Locked to 10 MHz mode).
Horizontal Deskew Range Available (Sequential Timebase Only) -500 ps to +100 ns on any individual channel in 100 fs increments.
DSA8200 Record Length

20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 samples;

Longer records available as follows:

   IConnect® 1,000,000 points
   80SJNB Jitter, Noise, and BER Analysis Software 3,200,000 points
Waveform Databases 4 independently accumulated waveform records of up to 4 G waveform points. Variable waveform database mode with true first-in first-out of 2000 waveforms available on each of 4 waveform databases.
Magnification Views In addition to the main timebase, the DSA8200 supports two magnification views. These magnifications are independently acquired using separate timebase settings which allow same or faster time/div than that of the main timebase.





    문의 및 요청내용 *

    개인정보 수집, 이용 및 처리방침

    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
    단, 관계법령의 규정에 의하여 보전할 필요가 있는 경우 일정기간 동안 개인정보를 보관할 수 있습니다.

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