리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelDT4255
  • MakerHioki
  • DescriptionDigital Multimeter DT4255
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Hioki DT4200 Digital Multimeter Series consist of a complete lineup of 9 models ranging from professional to industrial to pocket meters, delivering a super fast response rate and safety features that take electrical testing to a higher level. The DT4255 is a digital multimeter designed for maximum safety with voltage measurement terminals that are protected by a fuse.

Basic specifications

Accuracy guaranteed: 1 year
Regarding DMM Accuracy: Due to the many ranges and functions available in a DMM, only the basic accuracy is indicated for reference. Please refer to the brochure for detailed accuracy information.
DC Voltage range 600.0 mV to 1000 V
5 ranges, Basic accuracy: ±0.3 % rdg. ±3 dgt.
AC Voltage range 6.000 V to 1000 V, 4 ranges, Frequency characteristics: 40 Hz to 1 kHz
Basic accuracy 40 – 500 Hz : ±0.9 % rdg. ±3 dgt. (True RMS, crest factor 3)
Resistance range 600.0 Ω to 60.00 MΩ, 6 ranges, Basic accuracy: ±0.7 % rdg. ±3 dgt.
DC Current range N/A
From 4 to 20mA Percentage conversion display N/A
AC Current range
(use with Clamp on probes)
10.00 A to 1000 A, 7 ranges, Add the Clamp on probe accuracy to basic accuracy 40 – 1 kHz : ±0.9 % rdg. ±3 dgt. (True RMS, crest factor 3)
Voltage detection Hi: AC40 V to 600 V, Lo: AC80 V to 600 V
Capacitance range 1.000 μF to 10.00 mF, 5 ranges, Basic accuracy: ±1.9 % rdg. ±5 dgt.
Frequency range 99.99 Hz to 99.99 kHz, 4 ranges (limited by the minimum detectable voltage),
Basic accuracy: ±0.1 % rdg. ±1 dgt.
Continuity check Continuity threshold [ON]: 25 Ω or less ,
[OFF]: 245 Ω or more,
Response time: 0.5 ms or more
Diode test Open terminal voltage: 5.0 V or less, Testing current 0.5 mA or less,
Threshold of forward voltage: 0.15 V to 1.5 V
Other functions Filter function, display value hold, auto hold, MAX/MIN/Average value display, relative value display, auto-power save, USB communication (option)
Display Main and Sub displays: 4-digits LCD, max. 6000 digits, bar graph
Display refresh rates 5 times/s (Capacitance measurement: 0.05 to 5 times/s, depending on measured value, Frequency: 1 to 2 time/s)
Power supply LR03 alkaline batteries ×4, Continuous use: 130 hours (backlight OFF)
Dimensions and mass 84 mm (3.31 in)W × 174 mm (6.85 in)H× 52 mm (2.05 in)D,
390 g (13.8 oz) (including batteries and holster)
Included accessories Test lead L9207-10 ×1, Holster ×1, Instruction manual ×1, LR03 alkaline battery ×4





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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