리퍼비시 계측기
9kHz – 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer
0.4 dB overall amplitude accuracy
+16 dBm TOI
-166 dBm DANL, with internal preamp
1 Hz narrow resolution bandwidth (optional)
Measurement applications
Phase Noise, Noise Figure, GSM/EDGE, cdmaOne and more view the full list of measurement applications
PowerSuite one-button power measurements included as standard
10 MHz analysis bandwidth
Segmented sweep for up to 32 discontinuous spans in one sweep
Rugged and portable for lab grade performance in the field
5 minute warm-up to guaranteed measurement accuracy
Configuration selections
Standard express analyzer E4402B-STD for faster delivery time, includes options AYX, BAA.
Standard express analyzer with tracking generator E4402B-STG for faster delivery time, includes options 1DN, AYX, BAA.
Communications test express analyzer E4402B-COM for faster delivery time, includes options 1D5, 1DR, B7D, B7E, BAA.
Custom configuration for maximum flexibility with standard delivery time.
Customers looking for a general purpose spectrum analyzer will appreciate the flexibility of the ESA spectrum analyzer that can be used for a wide range of applications from aerospace and defense to the manufacturing line.
Customers who wish to take advantage of the ESA flexibility but who need a faster analyzer for the manufacturing line, or connectivity to LAN/USB in addition to GPIB, or want to do in depth signal analysis with 89600 VSA software will benefit from the new EXA signal analyzer. The EXA signal analyzer now comes standard with many of the ESA’s optional features and yet offers more applications than the ESA.
Migrate from ESA to EXA.
044 Yellow spectrum analyzer backpack
049 Color Display
060 Low emissions shielding
106 Bluetooth FSK demodulator
120 ACPR dynamic range extension
1AX Serial Interface
1D5 High Stability Frequency Reference
1D6 Time-gated spectrum analysis
1DN Tracking generator
1DP 75 OHM INPUT (E4411B)
1DR Narrow resolution bandwidths
1DS Preamp219Noise Figure
226 Phase Noise
228 Bluetooth measurement personality
229 Modulation Analysis
231 ESA to 89601A VSA software link
535 Type N Input Connector
A4H GPIB and Centronics interface
AYX Fast time-domain sweep
AYZ External Mixing
B72 Enhanced Memory Upgrade
B74 RF/Digital communication hardware
B75 Performance Bundle (1D5+1DR+1DS)
B7D Digital Signal Processing and Fast ADC
B7E RF Communications Hardware
BAA FM Demodulation
BAC cdmaOne Measurement Personality
BAH GSM/GPRS measurement personality
BAS Includes IF/sweep port (A4J) and GPIB connection (A4H)COMCOMMUNICATIONS TEST ANALYZER (B7D/B7E/1D5/1DR/BAA/231)
STD 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz
STG Standard analyzer with tracking generator (1DN,AYX, BAA)UKB100 Hz low frequency extension