리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelESCI3
  • MakerR&S
  • DescriptionEMI Test Receiver¸ 9kHz - 3Ghz
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The EMI Test Receiver ¸ESCI is a new addition to the tried-andtested family of top-class EMI test receivers from Rohde & Schwarz with a spectrum analyzer platform. The ESCI provides measurements in
full compliance with CISPR 16-1-1. The instrument operates in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz and is equipped with a 21 cm TFT colour display.
The EMI Test Receiver ¸ESCI measures electromagnetic emissions in line with all civil standards and combines several types of instrument in one:
 Portable, manually controllable EMI test receiver with a weight of approx. 10 kg; suitable for mobile use independently of the AC supply with the ¸FSP-B30 and ¸FSP-B31 battery options fitted
 Automatic, standard-conforming test receiver that performs measurements for certifications as a stand alone unit
 System-compatible test receiver capable of remote control via the IEC/IEEE bus interface or the LAN interface using EMI software packages, e.g. ¸EMC32
 Spectrum analyzer with excellent RF characteristics and comprehensive test functionality for laboratory measurements and also for measurements in compliance with mobile radio standards, featuring an RMS detector, selectable ACP standard and channel bandwidths up to 5 MHz
 Time domain analyzer for measuring click interference, capable of recording interference versus time for more than two hours
The measurements required in order to verify electromagnetic compatibility are laid down in international and national legislation and standards. The time that is spent measuring conducted and radiated EMI until approval and CE certification are obtained is substantial.
The ¸ESCI is backed by decades of experience gained by Rohde & Schwarz in the development of test receivers and spectrum analyzers. The test receiver’s optimized operating concept makes this know-how easily accessible to the user.
The instrument’s built-in intelligence significantly reduces the required measurement effort. Specially designed for performing EMI measurements, the test receiver furnishes results at maximum speed and accuracy in accordance with the requirements published by CISPR, CENELEC, ETSI, FCC, VCCI and VDE. 

Outstanding features
 Unprecedented wealth of functions
 Maximum measurement speed
 Superior measurement accuracy
The ¸ESCI sets new standards in
terms of scope of functions, measurement speed and measurement accuracy
in the range up to 3 GHz.
The use of innovative techniques such
as an LSI frontend and largely digital
signal processing, in conjunction with
ASICs developed by Rohde & Schwarz,
results in excellent specifications and
high reliability.
The functionality of a conventional
“compliance tester” for civil applications
has been expanded by a wide range of
spectrum analyzer functions.
 Integrated preselection and 20 dB
 Weighting with peak, quasi-peak,
RMS, CISPR AV and AV detectors
(max. three detectors simultaneously)
 CISPR-conforming EMI measurement
bandwidths: 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz,
1 MHz
 Pulse weighting conforming to CISPR
16-1-1, including single pulses
 For all civil EMI standards such as
 Resolution bandwidths from 10 Hz to
3 MHz (in steps of 1/3/10)
 RMS detector for measurements on
digitally modulated signals
 Channel filter bandwidths from
100 Hz to 5 MHz
 Test routines for determining TOI,
EMC performance features
 Total measurement uncertainty
– Receiver mode <1 dB
– Spectrum analyzer mode <0.5 dB
(without preselection)
 Displayed average noise level (DANL)
–155 dBm (10 Hz)
 Noise figure typ. 7 dB
 Overview measurements in spectrum
analyzer mode
 User-programmable scan tables
 Display and comparison of results
with limit lines
 Inclusion of correction values for
cable loss, coupling networks and
antennas in the form of transducer
 Data reduction and modification
of frequency list for weighted final
 Bargraph display for various detectors
with Max Hold indication
 Overload indication
 Built-in AF demodulator
 Bright 21 cm TFT colour display

Option: LAN interface
Using the optional LAN Interface
¸FSP-B16, the ¸ESCI can be
configured as a network workstation:
 File logging on network drives
 Network printer
 Remote desktop function
 Remote control via LAN
These functions make the ¸ESCI
ideal for networking.
Option: scalar network analysis
The optional Internal Tracking Generator
¸FSP-B9 and the optional External
Generator Control ¸FSP-B10 extend
the ¸ESCI to include scalar network
analyzer functionality. Using a selective
measurement method, the gain,
frequency response, insertion loss and
return loss are measured over a wide
dynamic range without being influenced
by harmonics or spurious from the
generator. The Internal Tracking
Generator ¸FSP-B9 covers the
frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. A
frequency offset of ±150 MHz can be set
for measurements on frequency-converting modules. The tracking generator
can be broadband-modulated using an
external I/Q baseband signal.
The ¸FSP-B10 option uses
commercial RF signal generators as its
external tracking source that can be
controlled via the IEC/IEEE bus or a TTL
bus. This solution provides the functionality of the internal tracking generator:
 Normalization with interpolation also
for reflection measurements with
open and short
 Automatic bandwidth measurements
with “n dB down” function
 Tolerance lines with PASS/FAIL
The ¸FSP-B6 option makes the
¸ESCI suitable for analog TV
measurements. It provides a settable
RF level trigger for measurements on
pulsed RF signals that are used in TDMA
transmission systems.
Option: FM measurement
The ¸FS-K7 option adds universal
digital FM demodulation capability to
the ¸ESCI. For example, synthesizer
settling or frequency deviation measurements can be performed.
Results can be displayed as either of the
 Frequency modulation (FM) or carrier
power versus time
 RF spectrum (FFT)
The FM and RF level trigger functions
with wide dynamic range provide special
trigger capabilities. They even allow
signals to be measured for which no
external trigger signal is available.
The demodulated data can be read via
the IEC/IEEE bus, RS-232-C, or LAN
interface and processed on an external





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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