리퍼비시 계측기
주요 사항
Frequency range 500 kHz to 3 GHz
Resolution 1 Hz
Reference frequency, internal, nominal
Aging per year 1 × 10–6
Temperature drift 0 °C to +50 °C 1 × 10–6
Achievable initial calibration accuracy 5 × 10–7
Reference frequency, internal, nominal R&S®FSL-B4 OCXO reference frequency option
Aging per year 1 × 10–7
Temperature drift 0 °C to +50 °C 1 × 10–7
Achievable initial calibration accuracy 5 × 10–8
Total reference uncertainty (time since last adjustment × aging rate)
+ temperature drift + calibration
Spectral purity of SSB phase noise f = 500 MHz
Carrier offset 1 kHz typ. –90 dBc (1 Hz)
10 kHz < –98 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –103 dBc (1 Hz)
100 kHz < –105 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –110 dBc (1 Hz)
1 MHz < –125 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –130 dBc (1 Hz)
Maximum permissible input level
DC voltage 80 V
CW RF power preamplifier off 30 dBm (= 1 W)
CW RF power preamplifier on 20 dBm (= 0.1 W)
Peak RF power preamplifier off 36 dBm (= 4 W), t < 3 s
Max. pulse voltage 150 V
Max. pulse energy 10 µs 10 mWs
1 dB compression of input mixer 0 dB RF attenuation, f > 200 MHz +5 dBm (nom.)
Third-order intermodulation (TOI) intermodulation-free dynamic range, level 2 × –20 dBm, reference level –10 dBm,
preamplifier = off
f < 30 MHz > 54 dBc (TOI > +7 dBm, typ. +12 dBm)
f ≥ 30 MHz > 60 dBc (TOI > +10 dBm, typ. +18 dBm)
Second harmonic intercept (SHI) f = 20 MHz to 3 GHz typ. 40 dBm
Immunity to interference
Image frequency f + 2 × 48.375 MHz > 60 dB, typ. 80 dB
f + 2 × 838.375 MHz > 60 dB, typ. 80 dB
f + 2 × 7158.375 MHz typ. 60 dB
Intermediate frequency 48.375 MHz, 838.375 MHz,
7158.375 MHz
> 60 dB, typ. 80 dB
Spurious response, inherent f > 30 MHz, without input signal,
RF attenuation = 0 dB, RBW < 1 MHz
< –90 dBm
Spurious response referenced to local oscillators,
Δf < 100 kHz
typ. –60 dBc
referenced to local oscillators,
Δf ≥ 100 kHz
< –60 dBc
referenced to A/D conversion typ. < –70 dBc
referenced to subharmonic of first LO
(spur at 7158.375 MHz – 2 × fin )
typ. –60 dBc
At mixer level < –10 dBm referenced to harmonic of first LO
(spur at fin – 3579.1875 MHz)
typ. < –60 dBc
Noise figure preselector (R&S®ETL-B203 option) not
installed, 0 dB attenuation, typical values
27 dB
(50 MHz to 1.3 GHz, preamplifier off)
15 dB
(50 MHz to 1.3 GHz, preamplifier on)
17 dB
(1.3 GHz to 2.3 GHz, preamplifier on)
19 dB
(2.3 GHz to 3.0 GHz, preamplifier on)
preselector on see specifications of R&S®ETL-B203
RF preselector option