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FlashPAK NPS-51 

  • ModelFlashPAK NPS-51
  • MakerDATA I/O
  • DescriptionNetworked Programming System
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The FlashPAK III is the world’s most trusted manual desktop gang programmer. 

Electronics manufacturers have trusted the FlashPAK III to program millions of devices in products we use every day. The FlashPAK III is meticulously designed with the same attention to detail, quality, and reliability that Data I/O’s automated programming systems are known for.​
Ergonomic Design with Productivity in Mind​
The FlashPAK III features a low profile ergonomic design in a small desktop footprint. This design enables operators to easily run multiple FlashPAK’s at the same time increasing production throughput. Lifting the unique socket Actuator Bar starts the programming process. One unit can program up to four devices in parallel.

At the core of all Data I/O’s programming systems is the FlashCORE III programming engine. FlashCORE III is the industry’s most trusted universal programming engine with tens of thousands of devices supported. 

  • Read/write speeds greater than 10 MBytes per second (80 Mbits/s) for capable devices
  • Fast downloads over 100 Base-T Ethernet connection
  • Configurable FPGA for optimized programming now and in the future





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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