리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelFSWP26
  • MakerR&S
  • Description26.5GHz, Phase Noise Analyzer
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The R&S® FSWP phase noise analyzer and VCO tester features very high sensitivity thanks to extremely low-noise internal sources and cross-correlation. It can measure phase noise on highly stable sources such as those found in radar applications in just seconds. Additional options such as pulsed signal measurements, additive phase noise (including pulsed) characterization, and integrated high‑end signal and spectrum analysis make the R&S® FSWP a unique test instrument.

  • Frequency range from 1 MHz to 8/26.5/50 GHz, up to 500 GHz with external harmonic mixers
  • High sensitivity for phase noise measurements thanks to cross‑correlation and extremely low‑noise internal reference sources
    • typ. –172 dBc (1 Hz) at 1 GHz carrier frequency and 10 kHz offset
    • typ. –158 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 GHz carrier frequency and 10 kHz offset
  • Simultaneous measurement of amplitude noise and phase noise
  • Measurement of phase noise on pulsed sources at the push of a button
  • Internal source for measuring additive phase noise, including on pulsed signals
  • Signal and spectrum analyzer and phase noise analyzer in a single box
    • High‑end signal and spectrum analyzer, 10Hz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
    • Wide dynamic range thanks to low displayed average noise level (DANL) of –156 dBm (1 Hz) (without noise cancellation) and high TOI of typ. 25 dBm
    • 320  MHz signal analysis bandwidth
    • Total measurement uncertainty: < 0.2 dB up to 3.6 GHz,< 0.3 dB up to 8 GHz
    • Touchscreen operation
    • Large 12.1″ display for simultaneous viewing of multiple measurement windows
    • Various measurement applications can be run and displayed in parallel
  • High measurement speed
  • Low‑noise internal DC sources for VCO characterization
  • Automatic VCO characterization
  • Analysis of up to 8 GHz wide frequency hops (transients)
  • Measurement of Allan variance
FSWP-B1  Spectrum Analyzer, 10 Hz to 8 GHz
FSWP-B1  Spectrum Analyzer, 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
FSWP-B1  Spectrum Analyzer, 10 Hz to 50 GHz
FSWP-B4  High Stability OCXO
FSWP-B8  Resolution Bandwidth > 10 MHz (FSWP-B1 option required)
FSWP-B8  Resolution Bandwidth > 10 MHz (for FSWP50, FSWP-B1 opt. Req.)
FSWP-B10  External Generator Control
FSWP-B13  Highpass Filter for Harmonic Measurements (FSWP-B1 opt. required)
FSWP-B18  Spare Solid State Drive (removable hard drive)
FSWP-B24  RF Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 8 GHz (FSWP-B1 opt. required)
FSWP-B24  RF Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz (FSWP-B1 opt. required)
FSWP-B24  RF Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 50 GHz (FSWP-B1 opt. required)
FSWP-B60  Cross-Correlation, 8 GHz
FSWP-B60  Cross-Correlation, 26.5 GHz
FSWP-B60  Cross-Correlation, 50 GHz
FSWP-B61  Cross-Correlation (low phase noise), 8 GHz
FSWP-B61  Cross-Correlation (low phase noise), 26 GHz
FSWP-B61  Cross-Correlation (low phase noise), 50 GHz
FSWP-B64  Additive Phase Noise Measurements
FSWP-B80  80 MHz Analysis Bandwidth
소프트웨어 FSWP-K6  Pulse Measurements (FSWP-B1 option required)
FSWP-6S  Time sidelobe measurements (Option FSWP-B1 required)
FSWP-K7  Analog Modulation Analysis for AM/FM/φM (FSWP-B1 opt. required)
FSWP-K30  Noise Figure Measurements (FSWP-B1 option required)
FSWP-K70  Vector Signal Analysis (FSWP-B1 option required)
FSWP-K33  Security Write Protection for Solid State Drive





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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