리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

Fury GPS

  • ModelFury GPS
  • MakerVIAVI
  • DescriptionFury GPS Disciplined Oscillator, The highest performance GPSDO
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Fury GPSDO presents unprecedented frequency accuracy by combining the highest GPS timing performance with the very latest in OCXO technology in one low-cost module. Fury is useful as a high performance, low Phase Noise, low ADEV noise,  high holdover performance reference. Fury works exceptionally well to provide 1 PPS, various 10 MHz, and NMEA output in laboratory conditions, and the DOCXO variant provides exceptional holdover drift capability in GNSS-denied environments or for extended periods without GNSS signals.

2020 Update
Fury Firmware Revision 1.23 has been released to address an issue in holdover with the Super Fury GNSS module. This issue does not affect units with original Motorola M12M receiver module, it only affects the Super Fury.

2019 Update
For 2019 the Fury GNSS receiver has been upgraded with the M12M Replacement Receiver to become the Super Fury GPSDO which offers GPS/Glonass/Galileo/BeiDou/SBAS and QZSS tracking (3-concurrent constellations) with internal USB configuration and monitoring support, 72 channels and down to -167dBm tracking capability, significantly enhancing the Fury performance while at the same time significantly reducing the time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and enhancing usability. 




  • Calibration not required
  • Delivers higher stability than Rubidium clock references
  • Allan Deviations of less than 1E-011 are possible for measurement intervals greater than 0.1 seconds
  • Phase noise of <125 dBc at >10 Hz offsets is standard
  • Power consumption of <5 W from 11.0 V to 14 V allows battery operation
  • Hold-over mode with aging and temperature compensation
  • Alarm outputs
  • The unit can be controlled using an LCD and keypad, or via RS-232 control using standard SCPI commands. Settings are automatically stored in non-volatile memory
  • Sine-wave and CMOS outputs are standard
  • GPSCon Windows graphing and SNTP server software compatible
  • Available as OEM module or in an aluminum enclosure


  • The Fury DOCXO variant provides exceptional holdover drift capability in GNSS-denied environments or for extended periods without GNSS signals.


The Fury can be ordered with 2 different options depending on the stability/cost requirements:

  • Single OCXO, for a very effective cost/performance ratio.
  • Double OCXO, for higher stability and better holdover performance.





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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