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리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelIEC555
  • MakerVoltech
  • DescriptionReference Impedance Network
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The Voltech IEC Standard 555 is a Reference Impedance Network. It can be used with the Voltech PM3000 and PM3300. The Impedance Network is designed to allow full compliance testing to EN61000-3-3 (voltage fluctuations) for single-phase loads. The internal resistance and inductance provide the required source impedance when used with the supplied test leads, connected as shown in the wiring diagram to a 50Hz source with an output impedance of <0.01W (i.e. better than 0.2V regulation at 20A).

Series Resistance 0.4 +0 − 0.02Ω

50Hz, 23°C ± 8°C


Series Reactance 0.25 ± 0.01Ω

50Hz, 23°C ± 8°C

Continuous Current 16A rms

Peak Current ±50A peak

Max Voltage ±1000V peak

Operating Temperature Range 5 to 40°C

Relative Humidity 10-80% RH non-condensing





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