리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelIM3570
  • MakerHioki
  • Description4Hz to 5Mz Impedance Analyzer
  • OptionL2000
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Hioki LCR Meters and Impedance Analyzers range from 1mHz to 3GHz devices to suit a wide range of applications in the testing of electronic components. The IM3570 is ideal for use in applications requiring low-ESR measurement on the order of several milliohms, for example testing of functional polymer capacitors, due to its superior low-impedance repeatability.

Impedance Analyzer IM3570: Measuring the resonance characteristics of a piezoelectric element

The IM3570, which serves as both an LCR meter and an impedance analyzer, can generate pass/fail judgments on the resonance condition using its frequency sweep measurement and peak comparator functions, and also conduct continuous inspections under different conditions including pass/fail decisions via 1 kHz and 120 Hz LCR testing. In this way, it is possible to make both frequency sweep measurement and LCR measurement with a single instrument.

Key Features

  • Continuous LCR/DCR/sweep measurements and high-speed testing achieved with one instrument
  • High-speed testing, achieving maximum speeds of 1.5ms (1 kHz) and 0.5ms (100kHz) in LCR mode
  • High-accuracy measurements, basic accuracy of Z parameter: ±0.08%
  • Perfect impedance analyzer for testing the resonance characteristics of piezoelectric elements, C-D and low ESR measurement of functional polymer capacitors, DCR and L-Q measurement of inductors (coils and transformers)
  • Perform frequency sweeps, level sweeps, and time interval measurements in analyzer mode

Basic specifications

Accuracy guaranteed: 1 year
Measurement modes LCR mode, Analyzer mode (Sweeps with measurement frequency and measurement level), Continuous measurement mode
Measurement parameters Z, Y, θ, Rs (ESR), Rp, Rdc (DC resistance), X, G, B, Cs, Cp, Ls, Lp,
D (tanδ), Q
Measurement range 100 mΩ to 100 MΩ, 12 ranges (All parameters are determined according to Z)
Display range Z, Y, Rs, Rp, Rdc, X, G, B, Ls, Lp, Cs, Cp :
±(0.000000 [unit] to 9.999999G [unit], Absolute value display for Z and Y only
θ : ±(0.000° to 180.000°), D : ±(0.000000 to 9.999999)
Q : ±(0.00 to 99999.99), Δ % : ±(0.0000% to 999.9999%)
Basic accuracy Z ±0.08% rdg. θ: ±0.05°
Measurement frequency 4 Hz to 5 MHz (5 digits setting resolution, minimum resolution 10 mHz)
Measurement signal level Normal mode:
V mode/CV mode: 5 mV to 5 Vrms (up to 1 MHz)
10 mV to 1 Vrms (1.0001 MHz to 5 MHz), 1 mVrms steps
CC mode: 10 μA to 50 mArms (up to 1 MHz)
10 μA to 10 mArms (1.0001 MHz to 5 MHz), 10 μArms steps
Low impedance high accuracy mode:
V mode/CV mode: 5 mV to 1 Vrms (up to 100 kHz), 1 mVrms steps
CC mode:10 μA to 100 mArms (100 mΩ and 1Ω ranges of up to 100 kHz), 10 μArms steps
Output impedance Normal mode: 100 Ω, Low impedance high accuracy mode: 10 Ω
Display 5.7-inch color TFT, display can be set to ON/OFF
Measurement time 0.5 ms (100 kHz, FAST, display OFF, representative value)
Functions DC bias measurement, Comparator, BIN measurement (classification), Panel loading/saving, Memory function
Interfaces EXT I/O (handler), RS-232C, GP-IB, USB communication, USB memory, LAN
Power supply 90 to 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 150 VA max.
Dimensions and mass 330 mm (12.99 in) W × 119 mm (4.69 in) H × 307 mm (12.09 in) D, 5.8 kg (204.6 oz)
Included accessories Power cord × 1, Instruction manual × 1, PC communication instruction manual (CD-R) × 1







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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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