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Keithley 4200A-SCS + 4210-SMU x 4 + 4200A-PA x 4

  • Model4200A-SCS
  • MakerKeithley
  • DescriptionParameter Analyzer
  • Option4210-SMU. 4200A-PA
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
The 4200A-SCS is a customizable and fully-integrated parameter analyzer that provides synchronized insight into current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V), and ultra-fast pulsed I-V characterization. The highest performance parameter analyzer, the 4200A-SCS accelerates semiconductor, materials, and process development. The 4200A-SCS Clarius™ GUI-based Software provides clear, uncompromised measurement and analysis capability. Furnished with embedded measurement expertise and hundreds of ready-to-use application tests, Clarius Software enables you to dig deeper into your research with speed and confidence. The 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer is completely customizable and fully upgradable, so you can add the instruments you need now – or later.
  • Turn-key system including instrument modules, embedded PC and software 
  • Modular design with 9 slots for hardware modules incl SMU, C-V, Puls (I-V) modules • I-V Source Measure Unit (SMU), ±210 V/100 mA or ±210 V/1 A, 100 fA resolution / 10 aA resolution with optional preamp 
  • C-V Multi-frequency Capacitance Unit (CVU) for AC impedance measurements (C-V, C-f, C-t), 1 kHz – 10 MHz 
  • ±30 V (60 V differential), expandable to ±210 V (420 V differential) 
  • Pulsed I-V Ultra-fast Pulse Measure Unit (PMU), 2 channels, 200 MSa/sec, 5 ns sampling rate, ±40 V (80 Vp-p), ±800 mA, Transient waveform capture mode 
  • Optional I-V/C-V Multi-Switch Module (CVIV)


Model Description
High Resolution IV

4200A-SCS: Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU: Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA: One preamplifier
8101-PIV: One test fixture with sample devices


High Resolution IV & CV

4200A-SCS: Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU: Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA: One preamplifier
4215-CVU: One high resolution multi-frequency C-V unit
8101-PIV: One test fixture with sample devices


High Power IV & CV

4200A-SCS: Parameter Analyzer mainframe
4201-SMU: Two medium power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4211-SMU: Two high power SMUs for high capacitance setups
4200-PA: Two preamplifier
4215-CVU: One high resolution multi-frequency C-V unit
8101-PIV: One test fixture with sample devices


Ultra-fast NBTI/PBTI
For sophisticated NBTI and PBTI measurements on leading-edge silicon CMOS technology Package 4200-BTI-A includes:


  • (1) 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module
  • (2) 4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Modules
  • Automated Characterization Suite (ACS) Software
  • Ultra-Fast BTI Test Project Module
  • Cabling

4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Mainframe
4200-SMU Medium Power Source-Measure Unit for 4200A-SCS, 100 mA to 100 fA, 200 V to 0.2 µV, 2 Watts
4201-SMU Medium Power Source-Measure Unit for 4200A-SCS and high-capacitance setups, 100 mA to 100 fA,
                     200 V to 0.2 µV, 2 Watts, 10 µF load capacitance
4210-SMU High Power Source-Measure Unit for 4200A-SCS, 1 A to 100 fA, 200 V to 0.2 µV, 20 Watts
4211-SMU High Power Source-Measure Unit for 4200A-SCS and high-capacitance setups, 1 A to 100 fA, 200 V to
                    0.2 µV, 20 Watts, 100 µF load capacitance
4200-PA Remote Preamp Option for 4201, 4211, 4200, and 4210 SMUs, extends SMU to 0.01 fA resolution
4215-CVU High Resolution Capacitance Voltage (C-V) Module
4225-PMU Ultra-Fast Pulse Measure Unit
4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Module
4220-PGU High Voltage Pulse Generator
4200A-CVIV I-V, C-V Multi-switch Module





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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