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M8048A – 801

  • ModelM8048A - 801
  • MakerKeysight
  • DescriptionSMA matched cable pair fo cascading channels, 0.4 m, +- 5 ps
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

M8020AU Upgrades for J-BERT M8020A high-performance BERT

SMA matched cable pair fo cascading channels, 0.4 m, +- 5 ps

M8020AU Upgrades for J-BERT M8020A high-performance BERT


Upgrades for M8041A
M8041A-U14 Upgrade of M8041A-0S1 to 0S4, Interactive Link Training for PCI Express for 8GT/s and 16GT/s, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-U16 Upgrade to 16 Gb/s Data Rate from M8041A-G08 and M8041A-C08, Module-wide License
M8041A-UA2 Upgrade of M8041A to Second Channel for Analyzer, License
M8041A-UA3 Upgrade of M8041A to Analyzer Equalization, Module-wide License
M8041A-UED Upgrade to BERT from M8041A-G08 and M8041A-G16, Module-wide License
M8041A-UG2 Upgrade of M8041A to Second Channel for Pattern Generator, License
M8041A-UG3 Upgrade of M8041A to Advanced Jitter Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License
M8041A-UG4 Upgrade of M8041A to Multi-tap De-emphasis, Module-wide License
M8041A-UG5 Upgrade of M8041A to Adjustable Intersymbol Interference (ISI) for all S/N, Module-wide License
M8041A-UG6 Upgrade of M8041A to Reference Clock Input with Multiplying PLL, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-UG7 Upgrade of M8041A to Advanced Interference Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License
M8041A-UR3 Upgrade of M8041A-0A3 with latest CTLE Presets (Return-to-Factory)
M8041A-UR5 Upgrade of M8041A to Adjustable ISI – enable M8041A-UG5 (Units below S/N below DE55300500, Return-to-Factory)
M8041A-US1 Upgrade of M8041A to Interactive Link Training for PCI Express, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-US2 Upgrade of M8041A to SER/FER Analysis for Coded and Retimed Loopback, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-US3 Upgrade of M8041A to Interactive Link Training for USB 3.0 and USB 3.1, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-US4 Upgrade of M8041A to Interactive Link Training for PCI Express for PCI Express 8GT/s and 16GT/s, Clockgroup-wide License
M8041A-US6  Upgrade of M8041A to SAS-3 Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
M8041A-USX Upgrade of M8041A to 10GBASE-KR Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
Upgrades for M8051A
M8051A-U16 Upgrade to 16 Gb/s Data Rate from M8051A-G08 and M8051A-C08, Module-wide License
M8051A-UA2   Upgrade of M8051A to Second Channel for Analyzer, License
M8051A-UA3  Upgrade of M8051A to Analyzer Equalization, Module-wide License
M8051A-UED Upgrade to BERT from M8051A-G08 and M8051A-G16, Module-wide License
M8051A-UG2 Upgrade of M8051A to Second Channel for Pattern Generator, License
M8051A-UG3 Upgrade of M8051A to Advanced Jitter Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License
M8051A-UG4 Upgrade of M8051A to Multi-tap De-emphasis, Module-wide License
M8051A-UG5 Upgrade of M8051A to Adjustable Intersymbol Interference (ISI) for all S/N, Module-wide License
M8051A-UG7 Upgrade of M8051A to Advanced Interference Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License
M8051A-UR3 Upgrade of M8051A-0A3 with latest CTLE Presets (Return-to-Factory)
M8051A-UR5 Upgrade of M8051A to Adjustable ISI – enable M8051A-UG5 (Units below S/N below DE55300500, Return-to-Factory)
M8051A-US6 Upgrade of M8051A to SAS-3 Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
M8051A-USX Upgrade of M8051A to 10GBASE-KR Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
Upgrades for M8061A
M8061A-U04 Upgrade of M8061A to 4-tap De-emphasis, Module-wide License
M8061A-U08 Upgrade of M8061A to Extension to 8-tap De-emphasis, Module-wide License
Upgrades for M8062A
M8062A-UA3 Upgrade of M8062A to Analyzer Equalization, License
M8062A-UA4 Upgrade of M8062A to Clock Recovery, License
M8062A-UED Upgrade of M8062A-G32 Pattern Generator to M8062A-C32 BERT, License
M8062A-UG4 Upgrade of M8062A to Multi-tap De-emphasis, License
M8062A-UG5 Upgrade of M8062A to Adjustable Intersymbol Interference, License
M8062A-US6 Upgrade of M8062A to SAS-3/-4 Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
M8062A-USC Upgrade of M8062A to 100GBASE-KR4 and 25GBASE-KR Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License
M8041A-801 2.92 mm Matched Cable Pair for M8000 Series
M8048A-001 Four Short ISI Channels 8 to 13 inches
M8048A-002 Four Long ISI Channels 14 to 34 inches
M8051A-801 Clock Distribution Cable for M8051A and M8046A
M8061A-802 Bandpass Filter 11.4 to 15.6 GHz, SMA
M8061A-803 Bandpass Filter 11.1 to 17.5 GHz, SMA
M8061A-804 Cable Kit for connecting M8061A with M8020A, 3x 3.5 mm, 0.6 m
N4910A Cable Kit: 2.4mm matched cable pair for Parbert 13.5 Gb/s
M8048A-801 SMA matched cable pair fo cascading channels, 0.4 m, +- 5 ps

001: 8, 9, 11 및 13인치의 짧은 ISI 채널 4개





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