리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelMR-J3-20A
  • MakerMitsubishi
  • DescriptionAC SERVO DRIVER
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

● Main circuit power input Voltage, frequency, rated output capacity and rated rotational speed of the combined servo motor are for the stated power supply voltage and frequency
. When the supply voltage drops, the torque decreases.
・For torque characteristics when combined with a servo motor, refer to “Servo Motor Torque Characteristics“.
・MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A: Single-phase AC200~240V (MR-J3-□A-U004) is also available as a special product. The allowable voltage fluctuation of MR-J3-□A-U004 is single-phase AC170~264V.

●Main circuit power input Allowable voltage fluctuation
, MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A: Single-phase AC200~240V products (MR-J3-□A-U004) are also available as special items. The allowable voltage fluctuation of MR-J3-□A-U004 is single-phase AC170~264V.

●Control circuit power input Voltage, frequency
, MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A: Single-phase AC200~240V products (MR-J3-□A-U004) are also available as special items. The allowable voltage fluctuation of MR-J3-□A-U004 is single-phase AC170~264V.

●Control circuit power input Allowable voltage fluctuation
MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A: Single-phase AC200~240V products (MR-J3-□A-U004) are also available as special items. The allowable voltage fluctuation of MR-J3-□A-U004 is single-phase AC170~264V.

●Interface power supply
: 0.3A is the value when all input/output signals are used. The current carrying capacity can be reduced depending on the number of inputs and outputs used by the customer. For details, refer to “MR-J3-□A Servo Amplifier Technical Data Collection”.

● Allowable regenerative power
of regenerative resistors・Since the optimal regenerative resistor differs depending on each system, please use the capacity selection software to select the optimal regenerative resistor.
・For the allowable regenerative power of the regenerative resistor when using the regenerative option, see “Regenerative Option“.

● Permissible regenerative power of regenerative resistors There is also a servo amplifier without the included regenerative resistor when
using the standard accessories. For details, see “Servo Amplifier Type Name Configuration“.
・ ( ) in the table indicates a cooling fan (1.0 m3/min or more, 92 mm square ×2 units) is installed and parameter No.PA02 is changed.

●Dynamic Brake
: MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A, MR-J3-100A, MR-J3-200AN, MR-J3-350A, MR-J3-500A, MR-J3-700A: For MR-J3-700A and below, dynamic brake removal products (MR-J3-□A-ED and MR-J3-□A1-ED) are also available as special products. In addition, when the dynamic brake removal product is used, the servo motor does not stop suddenly when an alarm occurs or when the power is turned off. Ensure safety throughout the equipment.
・MR-J3-10A, MR-J3-20A, MR-J3-40A, MR-J3-60A, MR-J3-70A, MR-J3-100A, MR-J3-200AN, MR-J3-350A, MR-J3-500A, MR-J3-700A: For the allowable moment of inertia ratio when using the built-in dynamic brake, see MR-J3-□A Servo Amplifier Technical Documents”.
・MR-J3-11KA, MR-J3-15KA, MR-J3-22KA: Use in combination with an external dynamic brake (optional). If an external dynamic brake is not connected, the servo motor will not stop suddenly during an emergency stop, etc., and may run freely, causing an accident such as a machine collision. If an external dynamic brake is not used in the device configuration, ensure safety throughout the device.

● Position control mode Maximum input pulse frequency
/ 4Mpps compatible product (MR-J3-□A(1)-KE) can also be specially supported. For 11Mpps compatible products of HF-JP1K15M and HF-JP1K4M dedicated servo amplifiers, please contact our sales representative.

●Position control mode If torque limiting
, high-resolution analog speed command, or analog torque command is required, the MR-J3-□A(1)-RJ040+ extended IO unit MR-D01 is available.

● Speed control mode If you need analog speed command input
, high-resolution analog speed command, or analog torque command, you can use the MR-J3-□A(1)-RJ040+ extended IO unit MR-D01.

● Speed control mode If you need a torque limit,
high-resolution analog speed command, or analog torque command, the MR-J3-□A(1)-RJ040+ extended IO unit MR-D01 will handle it.

● Torque control mode If analog torque command input
, high-resolution analog speed command, or analog torque command is required, the MR-J3-□A(1)-RJ040+ extended IO unit MR-D01 is supported.

● Environmental conditions Ambient temperature
, MR-J3-350A or less, the amplifier can be installed in close contact. However, when mounting the amplifier in close contact, the ambient temperature should be set to 0~45°C, or the effective load factor should be 75% or less.


Series name
Command Interface
Voltage class
capacity [kW]
Servo amplifier model name
output Rated voltage
Rated current [A]
Main circuit power input Voltage & Frequency
Rated current [A]
Allowable voltage fluctuations
Permissible frequency fluctuation
Control circuitsPower input Voltage & Frequency
Rated current [A]
Allowable voltage fluctuations
Permissible frequency fluctuation
Power Consumption [W]
Interface power supply
Permissible regenerative power of regenerative resistors Resistors with built-in amplifier [W]
When using standard accessories [W]
Control method
Dynamic braking
Protective features
Position Control Mode Maximum Input Pulse Frequency
Positioning feedback pulse
Command pulse magnification
Positioning completion width setting
Excessive error
Torque Limit
Speed Control Mode Speed control range
Analog speed command input
Speed variation rate
Torque Limit
Torque Control Mode Analog torque command input
Speed Limit
Structure (degree of protection)
Environmental conditions Ambient temperature
Ambient humidity
Vibration resistance
mass [kg]
About Restrictions
General-purpose interface
Three-phase AC170V
Three-phase AC200~230V/50, 60Hz or single-phase AC200~230V/50, 60Hz
Three-phase AC200~230V: Three-phase AC170~253V Single-phase AC200~230V: Single-phase AC170~253V
Within ±5%
Single-phase AC200~230V/50, 60Hz
Single-phase AC170~253V
Within ±5%
DC24V±10% (Required current capacity: 0.3A)
Sinusoidal PWM control and current control method
Over-current cut-off, regenerative over-voltage cut-off, overload cut-off (electronic thermal), servo motor over-temperature protection, detector abnormality protection, regenerative abnormality protection, under-voltage and instantaneous power failure protection, over-speed protection, over-error protection
1 Mpps (Differential Receiver), 200 kpps (Open Collector), (4 Mpps)
Encoder resolution (resolution per revolution of servo motor): 1 p/rev
Electronic gear A/B times A=1~1048576, B=1~1048576 1/10
0~±65535pulse(Command pulse unit)
±3 turns
Parameter setting or setting via external analog input (DC 0~+10V/max torque)
Analog Speed Directive 1:2000, Internal Speed Directive 1:5000
DC 0~±10V/Rated rotation speed (Rotation speed at 10V can be changed by parameter No.PC12)
±0.01% or less (load fluctuation 0~100%), 0% (power fluctuation ±10%)± 0.2% or less (ambient temperature 25°C±10°C) only when analog speed is commanded
Parameter setting or setting via external analog input (DC 0~+10V/max torque)
DC 0~±8V/Maximum torque (input impedance 10~12kΩ)
Parameter setting or setting by external analog input (DC 0~±10V/rated rotation speed)
Self-cooling, open (IP00)
0~55°C (non-freezing), storage: -20~65°C (non-freezing)
90% RH or less (non-condensing), Storage: 90% RH or less (non-condensing)
Indoors (out of direct sunlight), free from corrosive gases, flammable gases, oil mist, and dust.
No more than 1000 m above sea level
5.9m/s2 10~55Hz (X, Y, Z directions)
Restrictions are not displayed when comparing specifications, so please refer to the specifications of each model.





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