리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

MS2720T – 9, 31, 90, 713, 881, 883, 884, 885

  • ModelMS2720T
  • MakerAnritsu
  • DescriptionSpectrum Master , 9 kHz to 13 GHz
  • Option9, 31, 90, 713, 881, 883, 884, 885
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Frequency Ranges: 9 kHz to 9 GHz, 13 GHz, and 20 GHz

Anritsu’s latest generation of handheld spectrum analyzers is the MS2720T Spectrum Master. This represents the company’s highest performance handheld spectrum analyzer. Exciting new features and options bring more value and speed to the user.

  • Broadband preamplifiers over the whole frequency range for increased sensitivity approximately 17 dB
  • Three Sweep Modes: improved sweep speed, up to 100 times faster
  • Resolution and Video Bandwidths from 1 Hz to 10 MHz
  • New triggering choices, including hysteresis, hold-off, and delay
  • More zero-span capabilities including 10 MHz RBW & VBW
  • Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer Touch Screen GUI, including large marker display choice
  • Choice of display options for readability: normal, black on white, night vision, color on white, or high contrast
  • On-screen Interference Mapping as part of the Interference Analysis option
  • LTE Measurements up to 20 MHz, plus support for Carrier Aggregation
  • 30 MHz wide Zero-Span IF Output at 140 MHz center frequency for external demodulation of virtually any wideband signal
  • Burst detect captures 200 μs bursts the first time, every time
  • PIM Hunting for finding external IM products
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Dynamic Range >106 dB in 1 Hz bandwidth at 2.4 GHz
Phase Noise -112 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset at 1 GHz
RF Connectors N (f) for option 709, 713 and 720. Ruggedized K(m) for options 732 and 743
Input Attenuation 0 to 65 dB in 5 dB steps
Amplitude Accuracy ±0.5 dB typical
Frequency Accuracy Aging: ± 1.0 ppm/10 years
Accuracy: ± 0.3 ppm (25 °C ± 25°C) + aging

MS2720T-0709 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 9 GHz
MS2720T-0713 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 13 GHz
MS2720T-0720 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 20 GHz
MS2720T-0809 9 GHz Tracking Generator (requires Option 709)
MS2720T-0813 13 GHz Tracking Generator (requires Option 713)
MS2720T-0820 20 GHz Tracking Generator (requires Option 720)
MS2720T-0025 Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is recommended)
MS2720T-0027 Channel Scanner
MS2720T-0431 Coverage Mapping (requires Option 31 for full functionality)
MS2720T-0444 EMF Measurements (requires Anritsu Isotropic Antenna)
MS2720T-0509 AM/FM/PM Measurements (Option 431 required for full functionality)
MS2720T-0024 I/Q Waveform Capture (requires Option 9)
MS2720T-0089 Zero-Span IF Output
MS2720T-0090 Gated Sweep
MS2720T-0019 High Accuracy Power Meter (requires USB Power Sensor, sold separately)
MS2720T-0009 Demodulation Hardware
MS2720T-0880 GSM/GPRS/EDGE Measurements (requires Option 9)
MS2720T-0881 W-CDMA/HSPA+ Measurements (requires Option 9, Option 31 recommended)
MS2720T-0882 TD-SCDMA/HSPA+ Measurements (requires Option 9, Option 31 required for full functionality)
MS2720T-0883 LTE/LTE-A FDD/TDD Measurements (requires Option 9, Option 31 required for full functionality)
MS2720T-0886 LTE 256 QAM Demodulation (requires Option 883)
MS2720T-0887 NB-IoT Measurements (requires Option 9)
MS2720T-0884 CDMA/EV-DO Measurements (requires Option 9, Option 31 required for full functionality)
MS2720T-0885 WiMAX Fixed/Mobile Measurements (requires Option 9, Option 31 required for full functionality)
MS2720T-0007 Secure Data Operation
MS2720T-0031 GPS Receiver (requires GPS Antenna, sold separately)
MS2720T-0098 Standard Calibration to ISO17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1. Includes calibration certificate.
MS2720T-0099 Premium Calibration to ISO17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1. Includes calibration certificate, test report, and
uncertainty data.





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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