리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

MS2850A – 032,033,047,067,068,076

  • ModelMS2850A
  • MakerAnritsu
  • DescriptionSignal Analyzer 9 kHz to 32GHz
  • Option032,033,047,067,068,076
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Signal Analyzer MS2850A is a spectrum analyzer/signal analyzer with a maximum analysis bandwidth of 1 GHz and a frequency range of 9 kHz to either 32 GHz or 44.5 GHz. It has an analysis bandwidth supporting wideband communications measurements, such as 5G mobile communications and broadcast satellite equipment, providing all-in-one coverage from the sub-6 GHz to millimeter-wave 28 GHz/39 GHz bands. With excellent cost- performance, this benchtop signal analyzer helps cut development and production costs for communications equipment while improving efficiency.

The signal analyzer function can capture up to 24 seconds (at 100 MHz span) using the large 32-GB memory. Digitized signal data can be analyzed with general EDA tools for efficient R&D into next-generation standards prior to release of new standards. In addition, adding the PCIe/ISB3.0 option for high-speed transfer of large captured data helps with efficient R&D by cutting data transfer times.

1 GHz Analysis Bandwidth
The 1 GHz analysis bandwidth supports wider bands for microwave and millimeter-wave communications systems, such as 5G mobile and broadcast satellites.

The signal analyzer function using FFT (Fast Fourier transform) analysis supports spectrum displays, spectrogram displays, and applications where frequency and phase change with elapsed time. In addition, frequency bands required for 5G measurements are covered and all-in-one evaluation of multicarrier signals is supported by the 5G measurement software.

Analysis Bandwidth:
255 MHz (Standard)
510 MHz (option), 1 GHz (option)

Spectrum of eight 100 MHz bandwidth carriers at 29 GHz center frequency

Excellent Flatness Performance

The amplitude and phase flatness performance*1 over a wide analysis bandwidth of 1 GHz exceed that of other signal analyzers*2. With this performance, the MS2850A supports high-accuracy amplitude and phase measurements for each carrier in wideband communications systems, such as 5G mobile, to play a key role in improving the quality of radio communications equipment.

Center Frequency: 28 GHz, at Center Frequency ±500 MHz
In-band Frequency Characteristics: ±1.2 dB (nom.)
In-band Phase Linearity: 5 deg. p-p (nom.)

*1: Stipulated as In-band Frequency Characteristics and In-band Phase Linearity in Anritsu specifications
*2: Anritsu test at May 2017

Wide Dynamic Range
High ADC*3 Clipping Level
Wide Measurement Dynamic Range at Difference from DANL*4

The MS2850A has a high ADC clipping level over an analysis bandwidth of 1 GHz. This performance can be used to obtain a wider difference from the DANL, which rises when inputting the actual signal input level and inputting a wideband signal when using an attenuator. This wide dynamic range performance helps obtain more accurate EVM values at measurement of 5G signals. For example, in the 28 GHz band, the measured dynamic range at the difference between the ADC clipping level and DANL is better than 140 dB (ref.).

Center Frequency: 28 GHz
ADC Clipping Level: 0 dBm*5 (CW)
DANL: -142 dBm/Hz*5
Dynamic Range: 142 dB (ref.)

*3: Analog to Digital Converter
*4: Displayed Average Noise Level
*5: meas. means value measured as design stage but not guaranteed


High SFDR (Spurious Free Dynamic Range)
-70 dBc at 1 GHz Analysis Bandwidth

The MS2850A suppresses spurious generation due to ADC over the 1 GHz analysis bandwidth, assuring a wide measurement dynamic range at wideband signal analysis.

800 MHz ≤ Frequency < 4.2 GHz: -60 dBc (nom.)
4.2 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 44.5 GHz: -70 dBc (nom.)

  • Frequency range: 9 kHz to 32 GHz/44.5 GHz
  • Analysis bandwidth: 255 MHz (standard), 510 MHz (option), 1 GHz (option)
  • Standard installed functions: Spectrum analyzer, Signal analyzer (FFT analysis function), Microwave preselector bypass, USB power sensor connection
  • Options: Preamp, Low secondary harmonic distortion, Noise floor reduction (NFR) function, External interface for high speed data transfer PCIe/USB3.0
  • Measurement Applications (options): 5G FDD/TDD Measurement Software, LTE-Advanced FDD/TDD Measurement Software, Phase Noise Measurement Function, Noise Figure Measurement Function, etc.

032 – Analysis Bandwidth 255 MHz

033 – Analysis Bandwith Extension to 510 MHz

047 – Frequency Range 9 kHz to 32 GHz

067 – Microwave Preselector Bypass

068 – Microwave Preamplifier

076 – Low Second Harmonic Distortion





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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