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The MU181040A is a plug-in module that can be built into a Signal Quality Analyzer Series mainframe. It can measure a variety of patterns within the operating frequency range, including PRBS, Data, Zero-Substitution, Mixed, and Sequence patterns.
Various option configurations are available for the MU181040A. This module is therefore useful for research, development, and production of various types of digital communication equipment, modules, and devices.
The features of the MU181040A are as follows:
• Capable of measuring PRBS, Data, Zero-Substitution, Mixed, and Sequence patterns.
• Provides a large amount of user-programmable patterns (128 Mbits)
• Supports a variety of applications such as research, development, and production of devices, by installing options.
• Flexible for functional expansion in the future, by installing additional options.
• Devices up to 25Gbit/s can be evaluated using two MU181040A modules and up to 28Gbit/s using two MU181040B modules.
• Devices up to 50Gbit/s can be evaluated using four MU181040A modules and up to 56Gbit/s using four MU181040B modules.
Item Model name Product name Q’ty Remarks
Mainframe MU181040A 12.5 Gbit/s ED 1
Accessories Z0897A MP1800A Manual CD 1 CD-ROM version
Z0918A MX180000A Software CD 1 CD-ROM version