리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelN5102A
  • MakerAgilent
  • DescriptionDigital Signal Interface Module
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
  • Supports both inputs and outputs.
  • Bit level access to Keysight´s wide range of baseband signal creation applications.
  • Flexible data formats: Digital I/Q, digital IF, serial, parallel, 2’s complement, binary offset, variable 4 to 16 bit words.
  • Flexible clocking: automatic resampling from 1 to 200 MHz, multiple clock inputs and outputs, multiple clocks per sample, adjustable clock-to-data skew.
  • Simplified connectivity with a variety of popular device connector types and logic levels including LV-TTL, CMOS (1.5 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V), and LVDS.

The N5102A digital signal interface module provides fast and flexible digital inputs and outputs for your:

  • N5182B MXG X-Series RF vector signal generator
  • N5172B EXG X-Series RF vector signal generator
  • E8267C or E8267D PSG vector signal generator (requires proper configuration)
  • E4438C ESG vector signal generator (requires proper configuration)
  • N5106A PXB baseband generator and channel emulator (requires proper configuration)

In output mode, you can deliver realistic complex-modulated signals such as LTE, HSPA, W-CDMA, GPS, WLAN, digital video, custom pulses, and many others directly to your digital devices and subsystems.

In the input mode, the interface module ports your digital input to the signal generator’s baseband system, providing a quick and easy way of upconverting to calibrated analog IF, RF, or µW frequencies.

In both operating modes, the interface module adapts to your device with the logic type, data format, clock features, and signaling you require. With its three-meter extension cable and a selection of connector types, the interface module connects easily to your device, in most cases eliminating the need for custom fixtures.

Note: The digital signal interface module requires a properly equipped N5172B EXB, N5182B MXG, E4438C ESG, E8267C/D PSG, or N5106A.

Overview Features
The N5102A module provides many features:
— output mode (requires Option 003 for ESG/PSG/X-Series (N5182B/72B) or
Option 195 for N5110B waveform playback)
— input mode (requires Option 004 for ESG/PSG/X-Series (N5182B/72B) or
Option 194 for N5110B waveform capture)
— bit level access to arbitrary waveform generator (ARB) and real-time signal
generator baseband data from a wide range of signal creation applications
— simple user interface
— flexible data formats
— variable 4-bit to 16-bit word size
— serial, parallel, and parallel interleaved data transmission
— 2’s complement or offset binary word representation
— MSB or LSB bit order
— digital IQ or digital IF signal
— flexible clocking
— automatic resampling
— 1 kHz to 100 MHz sample rate
— multiple clock inputs and outputs
— adjustable clock phase and skew
— multiple clocks per sample 1x, 2x, and 4x (Output mode only. Input
mode is limited to 1x.)
— flexible signal interface
— multiple logic types provide single ended and differential testing
capability—low voltage TTL (LVTTL), LVDS, and CMOS 1.5 V, 1.8 V,
2.5 V, and 3.3 V
— proprietary three meter digital bus cable connects the N5102A
module to the signal generator
— interchangeable break-out boards
When connected to an ESG, PSG, or X-Series (





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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