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리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelN6702A
  • MakerKeysight
  • Description1200W Low Profile Power System Mainframe
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N6702A 1200W Low Profile Power System Mainframe

The Agilent N6702A is a 1200 W 1U high, 4-slot modular power system mainframe that accepts from 1 to 4 N6700 series DC power modules in any combination. Modules are ordered separately. The N6700B offers GPIB, LAN, and USB, interfaces standard, and LXI Class C compliance. Select from more than 20 different DC power modules, ranging in capability from basic to high precision, and in power from 20 – 300 W.

Maximum Total Output Power (= Sum of Total Module Output Power)
  • 1200 W when operating from 200 – 240 VAC input
  • 600 W when operating from 100 – 120 VAC input

Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe

  • Power : 600 watts to 1200 watts
  • Current : 0 A
  • Voltage : 0 V
  • # of outputs : 1 to 4
Keysight (Agilent) N6700 Series :
  • N6700B Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe 400 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
  • N6701A Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe 600 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
  • N6702A Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe 1200 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
  • N6705B DC Power Analyzer Mainframe
  • N6752A High-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module 50V, 10A, 100W
  • N6761A Precision DC Power Module 50V, 1.5A, 50W
  • N6762A Precision DC Power Module 50V, 3A, 100W
  • N6781A Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 2-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6709A Rack mount kit
N6708A Filler panel kit
OL1 Full documentation on CD-ROM and printed users guide
900 Power cord, United Kingdom, P/N 8120-1351
901 Power cord, Australia, New Zealand, P/N 8120-1369
902 Power cord, Europe, Korea, P/N 8120-1689
903 Power cord, USA, Canada, 120 V, P/N 8120-4383
904 Power cord, USA, Canada, 240 V, P/N 8120-0698
906 Power cord, Switzerland, P/N 8120-2104
912 Power cord, Denmark, P/N 8120-2956
917 Power cord, South Africa, India, P/N 8120-4211
918 Power cord, Japan, 100 V, P/N 8120-5342
919 Power cord, Israel, P/N 8120-6800
920 Power cord, Argentina, P/N 8120-6869
921 Power cord, Chile, P/N 8120-6980
922 Power cord, China, P/N 8120-8376
927 Power cord, Thailand, Brazil, P/N 8120-8871
929 Power cord, Japan, 200 V, P/N 8121-1392





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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