리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelN6952A
  • MakerKeysight
  • DescriptionAdvanced Power System - DC Power Supply, 40 V, 25 A, 1000 W
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Optimize testing with the N6900, versatility was never faster

When designing high performance ATE systems, there’s an art to the tradeoffs you make when asked to “integrate fast and test faster within budget.” That’s why Keysight’s N6900 Series DC power supplies are small, flexible and market-leading fast. And with our VersaPower architecture, you can tune the N6900 for the optimum balance of test coverage, quality and time.

Turn any APS power supply into not only a source but a load as well, which is great for power storage applications. Add full, 2-quadrant operation to any APS power supply with the N7909A APS power dissipater unit.

If you have ATE applications where a full-featured, high-speed dynamic sourcing and measurement is needed, consider the APS N7900 Series power supplies. 

Accuracy Package (Option 301)

  • Improves the programming and measurement accuracy, and adds a second seamless measurement range for current

Measurement Enhancements (Option 302)

  • Adds external data logging
  • Adds voltage and current digitizers with programmable sample rates

Source & Speed Enhancements (Option 303)

  • Adds constant-dwell arbitrary waveforms
  • Adds output list capability
  • Provides 6x improvement in up/down programming time

• Relays (Options 760 & 761)

  • Adds disconnect and polarity-reversal relays

Accelerate test throughput with industry-leading specifications

  • Test speeds 100x faster than standard system power supplies
  • Command processing speed < 2ms 
  • Fast up/down programming speeds up to 3ms

Accurately characterize your DUT’s power profile with advanced measurement capability

  • Dual voltage and current measurement capability with DMM-like accuracy
  • Power, peak power, watt-hour, and amp hour measurements

Add power flexibility to your test system

  • Increase power dissipation from 10% to full two-quadrant operation with N7909A power dissipater
  • Parallel N6900 supplies up to 10kW with equal current sharing among paralleled supplies
  • Track power events with an optional N7908A black-box recorder
  • Add advanced display, setup, and measurement functions by downloading Keysight’s free application: APS Power Assistant Software  





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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