리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelN7552A
  • MakerKeysight
  • DescriptionElectronic Calibration Module, DC to 9 GHz, 2-Port
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Keysight N7552A electronic calibration module makes calibration of vector network analyzers fast, easy, and accurate. Reduce your calibration down to half the time it usually takes using a traditional mechanical calibration kit. Simply connect it to your instrument and the firmware does the rest. Consider Keysight’s N44xx and N469x family of ECal solutions for greater precision and higher accuracy measurements.

The N7552A electronic calibration module supports Keysight’s PNA-X, PNA, ENA, and PXI vector network analyzers and Keysight FieldFox handheld analyzers. The N7552A electronic calibration solution is a 2-port ECal module that supports 3.5 mm connectors or type-N connectors. As a value-line product, it makes it cost-effective to replace than to have it recertified.

The firmware installed on the instrument controls the calibration module, making it a fully integrated solution. The instrument’s calibration code communicates via a USB 2.0 micro interface and simplifies the calibration to a single connection for a full two-port calibrated measurement.

  • Get frequency coverage from DC to 9 GHz
  • Use type-N or 3.5 mm connectors
  • Benefit from a smaller, lighter 2-port electronic calibration (ECal) module
  • Zero wait time for faster calibration
  • Experience the convenience of ECal with the performance of an economy mechanical kit





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    개인정보 수집, 이용 및 처리방침

    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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