리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

N9951A – 215, 233, 235, 302, 307

  • ModelN9951A
  • MakerKeysight
  • DescriptionFieldFox 핸드형 마이크로웨이브 분석기, 44 GHz
  • Option215, 233, 235, 302, 307
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

FieldFox brings bench-level accuracy into the field by delivering precise handheld RF and microwave measurements that agree with benchtop analyzers. The FieldFox combo analyzer N9951A base function is a cable and antenna analyzer and can be configured to include a spectrum analyzer, real-time spectrum analyzer and full 2-port network analyzer. To save space in a field kit, built-in capabilities can be added to provide up to 10 instruments in 1. They’re equipped to handle routine maintenance, in-depth troubleshooting and anything in between. Better yet, FieldFox delivers precise microwave and millimeter-wave measurements – wherever you need to go.

To enhance spectrum analysis, the Keysight N9951A FieldFox includes the same PowerSuite measurements used in Keysight signal analyzers, enabling fast, accurate, one- button characterization of channelized communication systems. The InstAlign capability lets you instantly make accurate power measurements in the field, even when temperature fluctuates.  With FieldFox, you can measure both the 1-port cable loss and 2-port insertion loss. The N9951A FieldFox comes with a built-in calibration capability that allows you to calibrate the network analyzer without carrying a cal kit into the field. With any other test instrument, when you add additional devices to the test port, such as jumper cables or adapters, you need to recalibrate using a cal kit.

Maximum Frequency 44 GHz
CAT/VNA Start Frequency 30 kHz
SA Start Frequency 5 kHz
Dynamic Range 95 dB
    010: Vector network analyzer time domain
    210: Vector network analyzer transmission/reflection
    211: Vector network analyzer full 2-port S-parameters
    310: Built-in power meter
    030: Remote control capability
    208: USB power sensor measurements versus frequency
    209: Extended range transmission analysis (ERTA)
    212: 1-port mixed-mode S-parameters
    215: TDR cable measurements
    701: Cable and antenna analyzer
    351: I/Q analyzer
    236: Interference analyzer and spectrogram
    312: Channel scanner
    238: Spectrum analyzer time gating
    302: USB power sensor support
    377: Over the air 5G TF measurements
    350: Real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA)
    355: Analog demodulation
    356: Noise figure measurements
    370: Over the air LTE FDD measurements
    307: GPS receiver
    308: Vector voltmeter
    309: DC bias variable-voltage source
    330: Pulse measurements
    233: Spectrum analyzer
    235: Pre-amplifier





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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