리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

NGC100 시리즈

  • ModelNGC101/NGC102 NGC103
  • MakerR&S
  • DescriptionR&S 기본형 파워 서플라이 100W 1 Ch 32V/10A (NGC101 / NGC102 / NGC103)
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
  • Max. output power: 100 W
  • Max. voltage per channel: 32 V
  • Max. current per channel: 3 A, 5 A or 10 A
  • Galvanically isolated, floating and short-circuit proof outputs
  • Intuitive, price-transparent online product configurator
  • Electrical specifications
    Number of output channels 1 / 2 / 3
    Total output power max. 100 W
    Maximum output power per channel 100 W/50 W/33 W
    Output voltage per channel 0 V to 32 V
    Maximum output current per channel 10 A/5 A/3 A
    Voltage ripple and noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz) R&S®NGC101: < 1 mV (RMS)
    R&S®NGC102/103: < 450 µV (RMS)
    Current ripple and noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz) R&S®NGC101: < 1.5 mA (RMS) (meas.)
    R&S®NGC102/103: < 1 mA (RMS) (meas.)
    Load recovery time (10 % to 90 % load change within a band of ± 20 mV of set voltage) < 1 ms (meas.)
    Programming resolution voltage 1 mV
    Programming resolution current < 1 A: 0.1 mA (R&S®NGC101: 0.5 mA)
    ≥ 1 A: 1 mA
    Output measurements
    Readback resolution voltage 1 mV
    Readback resolution current < 1 A: 0.1 mA (R&S®NGC101: 0.5 mA)
     ≥ 1 A: 1 mA
    Readback accuracy voltage ±(% of output + offset) < 0.05 % + 2 mV
    Readback accuracy current ±(% of output + offset) typ. < 0.05 % + 4 mA (R&S®NGC101: typ. < 0.15 % + 10 mA)
    Special functions
    Measurement functions voltage, current, power, energy
    Protection functions OVP, OCP, OPP, OTP
    FuseLink function
    Fuse delay at output-on
    Sense function
    Sink mode
    Output sequencing
    External trigger
    Arbitrary function ● (EasyArb)
    Analog/modulation interface
    Data logging
    Display and interfaces
    Display 3.5″ QVGA
    Rear panel connections Connector block with 4 lines per channel
    Remote control interfaces: standard USB, LAN; R&S®NGC100-G models with IEEE-488 (GPIB)
    General data
    Dimensions (W × H × D) 222 mm × 97 mm × 291 mm
    Weight 2.6 kg
    Rack installation R&S®HZC95 option


Outputs All channel outputs are galvanically isolated and not connected to ground.

Number of output channels

  • R&S®NGC101 : 1 Channel
  • R&S®NGC102 : 2  Channels
  • R&S®NGC103 : 3 Channels
  • R&S®NGC101-G : 1 Channel / GPIB
  • R&S®NGC102-G : 2  Channels / GPIB
  • R&S®NGC103-G : 3 Channels / GPIB

Maximum total output power all models 100 W
Maximum output power per channel

  • R&S®NGC101 100 W / Channel
  • R&S®NGC102 50 W / Channel
  • R&S®NGC103 33 W / Channel
  • Output voltage per channel all models 0 V to 32 V

Maximum output current per channel

  • R&S®NGC101 : 10 A
  • R&S®NGC102 : 5 A
  • R&S®NGC103 : 3 A

Maximum voltage in serial operation

  • R&S®NGC102 64 V
  • R&S®NGC103 96 V

Maximum current in parallel operation

  • R&S®NGC102 10 A
  • R&S®NGC103 9 A

Voltage ripple and noise 20 Hz to 20 MHz

  • R&S®NGC101 < 1 mV (RMS) (meas.); < 5 mV (peak-to-peak) (meas.)
  • R&S®NGC102/R&S®NGC103 < 450 µV (RMS) (meas.); < 4 mV (peak-to-peak) (meas.)

Current ripple and noise

  • R&S®NGC101 < 1.5 mA (RMS) (meas.)
  • R&S®NGC102/R&S®NGC103 < 1 mA (RMS) (meas.)





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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