리퍼비시 계측기
These specifications are for a P6434 probe connected between a compatible
Tektronix logic analyzer and a target system. Table 11 shows the electrical
requirements of the P6434 probe.
Table 11: Electrical specifications
Characteristics Requirements
Number of input channels 34 (32 data and 2 clock/qualifier channels)
Input impedance 20 kΩ ±1% in parallel with 2 pF ± 0.2 pF
Threshold accuracy ±100 mV
Channel-to-channel skew <150 ps
Delay time from probe tip to module end 7.33 ns (The approximate length of the probe
is 1.6 m or 62 in.)
Max. operating swing time 8 V peak-to-peak
Probe overdrive The greater of ± 300 mV or ± 25% of signal
Max. nondestructive input signal to probe ±15 V
Max. sync clock rate 200 MHz in full speed mode (5 ns between
active clock edges)
Min. sampling period 4 ns (0.5 ns w/MagniVu)
Measured typical signal loading* AC load DC load
≈2 pF ≈20 kΩ*
* The 20 kΩ resistor is returned to +2.2 V.
This Tektronix P6434 Mass Termination Probe for TLA Modules is used, and in excellent condition. The P6434 probe can acquire data from 32 input/output signals and two clocks, one clock and one qualifier, or two qualifier signals. The probe has connectors on each end. One end is called the probe tip and connects to your target system. The other ends are called the module ends and connect to the logic analyzer.