리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelPCR-6000L
  • MakerKikusui
  • DescriptionRegulated AC Power Supply Single - phase 6k VA
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Computers and electronic products are becoming an integral part of today’s society. These devices equipped with microprocessors and other sophisticated components play an important role in our daily lives. However, the CPU, considered to be the heart of these devices, is extremely susceptible to fluctuations and other irregularities in power lines. As a result, not only can these irregularities cause the CPU to stop
functioning or malfunction, there is also the possibility of these leading to life-threatening accidents and other serious problems that can become important concerns for society. For this reason, it is absolutely critical to conduct a wide range of power supply environment tests, including voltage fluctuations and power outage simulations, to constantly ensure a high degree of safety. The PCR-L series consists of a family of multipurpose AC power supplies able to effectively respond to these types of needs. In addition, the use of an optional remote controller allows those functions to be expanded even further. Together with being able to perform various types of power supply environment testing, including simulation of power failures and sudden voltage drops, these power supplies also allow measurement and analysis of harmonics current to be performed easily. In addition, they also realize a high level of system compatibility through the offering of both GPIB and RS-232C interfaces.

Applications (E.X.)
■ Power Supply Environment Testing
Since these power supplies are able to perform testing of power outages, voltage drops, voltage surges and voltage peak clip and so on of computers, OA equipment and other electronic devices, they can be used over the entire spectrum of R&D and quality assurance applications (upgrade options required).

■ Power Supply Harmonics Current Measurement Systems
These power supplies are able to perform measurement (and analysis) of power supply harmonics current as well as measurement of related power factor and power without requiring the use of an FFT analyzer or power meter as required in the past (upgrade options required).
■ Production Line Automated Testing Systems
The installation of a GPIB or RS-232C interface allows these power supplies to be used as FA and ATE programmable AC power supplies (upgrade options required).

■ Global Commercial Power Supplies
Since a wide range of output voltages and frequencies can be set as desired, these power supplies can be used as a diverse range of AC power supplies for commercial power supplies different for each country. In addition, output impedance can also be varied (upgrade options required).

1 Output Modes
A choice of three output modes are available, consisting of an AC mode, DC mode and a combined AC + DC mode. (The use of the combined AC +DC mode is available as an option.)
2 Output Voltage
The output voltage is compatible of voltages throughout the world (AC 100V – 240V). Two output ranges (100V / 200V) can be selected and both upper and lower limits can be set for set values resulting in a design with the emphasis on safety to prevent danger resulting from setting errors.
3 Output Frequency
Output frequency can be varied over a wide setting range.

5Output Stability
The use of a high-speed power amp system results in the supply of a
high-purity output.
Input voltage fluctuation Within ±0.1%
Output voltage fluctuation Within ±0.1 / ±0.2V
(100V / 200V range)
Output frequency fluctuation Within ±0.3%
Ambient temperature fluctuation 100 ppm/°C (typical)
Output frequency stability Within ±5×10-5
Output voltage waveform distortion Max. 0.3%
Output voltage response speed 30µs (typical)

4Maximum Output Peak Current

A peak current is produced that is our times greater than the maximum rated output current (with respect to a capacitor input type rectified load).
*Maximum output peak current = Maximum rated output current (rms value) × 4 (however, only in case the peak value of wave height/ rms value 4)
In addition, a rush peak current can be supplied for approximately 1 second with respect to other loads (but varying according to current waveform, output voltage, output frequency and so on). Those sudden peak current values that can be supplied for an output voltage of AC 100V and output frequency of 50 Hz are indicated in the table at right. The sudden peak current ratio is the output current ratio when
the maximum output current is taken to be 100%.

7Output Switching Free of Chattering
Output can be switched on and off while maintaining clean waveforms free of the chattering produced when electronic switch are turned on and off.In addition, the phase can be optionally set when output is switched on and off.

8Input Current
The use of an active filter circuit using switching control attains a power factor of 0.95 (typical value) while reducing waveform distortion of the input current. High-purity sine waves can be supplied at both lower and higher harmonics input currents while satisfying specifications for use as a harmonics current measuring power supply





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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