리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelPH-200L
  • MakerSHIMPO
  • DescriptionShimpo Laser Tachometer
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The Shimpo PH-200L / PLT-5000 Pocket Laser Tachometer accurately measures RPM and Surface speed using contact or non-contact measurement techniques. This battery-powered unit is extremely compact for convenient portable use and is supplied in a rugged and attractive plastic housing that is ergonomically designed for optimum comfort.

When measuring RPM in the non-contact measuring mode, the PLT-5000 emits a precision laser beam that is aimed at a small piece of reflective tape, which is affixed to the rotating target.

The PLT-5000 is extremely easy to operate and quickly converts from non-contact operation to contact operation by screwing the contact adapter in place. In addition to RPM’s, a wide variety of engineering units for surface speed and length are user-selected via the front panel buttons. Units include; feet per minute, meters/min, yards per minute, inches per minute and more.

A built-in memory stores up to 10 measurements plus minimum, maximum, average and last.

Same as Shimpo part # PH-200L, however the version sold is labeled as the Check-Line PLT-5000, internally they are identical.





PH-100A PH-200L PH-200LC (recommended)

Measuring range

1.0 ~ 25,000 rpm 6.0 ~ 99,999 rpm

Contact: 6.0 ~ 25,000 rpm
Non-contact: 6.0 ~ 99,999 rpm

Surface Speed (by 6″ wheel)

0.1 ~ 3,809.8 m/min
0.1 ~ 4,166.4 yards/min
3 ~ 99,999 inches/min
0.2 ~ 12,499 feet/min
0.1 ~ 3,809.8 m/min
0.1 ~ 4,166.4 yards/min
3 ~ 99,999 inches/min
0.2 ~ 12,499 feet/min

Length (by 6″ wheel)

0.01 ~ 99,999 m
0.01 ~ 99,999 yards
1 ~ 99,999 inches
0.1 ~ 99,999 feet
0.2 ~ 99,999 m
0.2 ~ 99,999 yards

0.5 ~ 99,999 feet

Total Number Of Revolutions

0.1 ~ 99,999 0.1 ~ 99,999

Measuring Accuracy


1.0 ~ 599.9 rpm ± 1 rpm
600.0 ~ 25,000 ± 0.006% and ± 0.5 digit
6.0 ~ 599.9 rpm ± 1 rpm
600.0 ~ 99,000 ± 0.006% and ± 0.5 digit

Surface, Speed, Light

± 0.4% and ± 1 digit ± 0.4% and ± 1 digit

Display Size

5 digit 12 mm height LCD

Memory Function

14 readings sotred in memory and retained for 5 minutes (Last, Max, Min, Average and 10 selectable measurements)

Update Time

1 second


Optical coupler, 20 pluses per rev.

Laser beam

Auto Power Off Function

5 minutes


3 AA 1.5 Volts


Low Battery

“LO BAT” display
Over Range “OVR” display

Operating Temperature

0 ~ 45°C


ABS resin


122.5(L)×64(W)×31.5(H) mm 115.5(L)×64(W)×31.5(H) mm 115.5(L)×64(W)×31.5(H) mm
Length with contact adapter: 149mm


170g 160g 160g (contact adapter: 50g)


Carrying case, Cone adapter, Funnel adapter, 6″ wheel, Instruction manual, Calibration certificate

Carrying case, 35 Reflective tapes, Instruction manual, Calibration certificate

Carrying case, Cone adapter, Funnel adapter, 6″ wheel, Contact adapter, 35 Reflective tapes, Instruction manual, Calibration certificate





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