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  • ModelQ82202
  • MakerAdvantest
  • DescriptionOptical Sensor Interface Unit
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Q82202 Sensor Interface Module

Advantest Q8221 Optical Power Supply employs a two-channel plug-in system. Various optical sensors and light sources are available as plug-in units. The two channels of the Q8221 can be used individually or simultaneously. Free combination of optical sensors and light sources enables diverse applications.

The optical sensors for Q8221 assure high accuracy of ±2.5% at calibration point. In broad band wavelength region, they assure ±4.5% accuracy by compensating the sensitivity curve over wavelengths of each sensors. Further more, the linearity of ±0.5% is assured. Not only at the calibration point, these sensors also assure at the broad band wavelength region and the level to be measured.



Two-Channel Plug-In System
High Accuracy
Low Polarization Dependence
High Sensitivity





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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