리퍼비시 계측기
10Hz-18GHz Microwave Counter
Pulse Modulated Carrier Frequency Measurement
(in manual mode)
Frequency range:
100 MHz to 550 MHz (INPUT A)
500 MHz to 18 GHz (INPUT B, R5372)
500 MHz to 27 GHz (INPUT B, R5373)
Pulse width: Minimum 0.5 µs
Pulse repetition frequency (fR): 10 Hz to 5 MHz
Resolution: Set in decades from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (1/gate time).
Note however that the setting for resolution (gate time) must
exceed the width of the pulse modulated wave being measured by
at least 0.4 µs.
Accuracy: ±1 count ± time base accuracy
Units: Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz
Totalize: (Input A: 10 mHz to 10 MHz band)
Counting range: DC to 10 MHz
Counting capacity: 0 to 9,999,999,999
Time base output: Frequency 10 MHz, voltage 1 Vp-p (min.) output
impedance approx. 50 Ω, BNC connector
External Frequency Standard Input: 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 2.5 MHz, 5
MHz and 10 MHz
Voltage 1 to 10 Vp-p
Input impedance Approx. 500 Ω, BNC connector
Calculation Functions
•Digital comparator (with respect to keyed-in upper and lower
•Maximum value hold, minimum value hold
•Deviation measurement (maximum – minimum)
•Standard deviation
•Offset display, drift display
•Scaling display
•Sum and difference display by automatic measurement of inputs
A and B
•Harmonic frequency display
•Arithmetic operations