리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelRSA5126B
  • DescriptionSpectrum Analyzers
  • Option51 53 56 65 66 B16X PFR 00 09 23 24 25 60
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
  • +17 dBm 3rd order intercept at 2 GHz
  • ±0.3 dB absolute amplitude accuracy to 3 GHz
  • Displayed average noise level: –142 dBm/Hz at 26.5 GHz, –157 dBm/Hz at 2 GHz and –150 dBm/Hz at 10 kHz
  • Internal Preamp available: DANL of -156 dBm/Hz at 26.5 GHz, -167 dBm/Hz at 2 GHz
  • Phase noise: –113 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz and –134 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz carrier frequency, 10 kHz offset
  • High-speed sweeps with high resolution and low noise: 1 GHz sweeps at 10 kHz RBW in <1 second
  • Real time spurious free dynamic range of 80 dB with HD options

Key features

  • Reduce Time-to-Fault and increase design confidence with Real-time Signal Processing
    • Up to 3,125,000 spectrums per second, enables 100% probability of intercept for signals of 0.434 μs
    • Swept DPX spectrum enables unprecedented signal discovery over full frequency range
    • Advanced DPX including swept DPX, gap-free DPX spectrograms, and DPX zero span with real-time amplitude, frequency, or phase
  • Triggers zero in on the Problem
    • DPX density™ trigger on single occurrences as brief as 0.434 μs in frequency domain and distinguish between continuous signals vs infrequent events
    • Advanced time-qualified, runt, and frequency-edge triggers act on complex signals as brief as 20 ns
  • Capture the widest and deepest signals
    • 25, 40, 85, 125, or 165 MHz acquisition bandwidths
    • Spurious-free dynamic range of 80 dB over the entire acquisition bandwidth with HD options
    • Acquire more than 5 seconds at 165 MHz bandwidth
  • Wideband preselection filter provides image free measurements in entire analysis bandwidth up to 165 MHz
  • More standard analysis than you expect in an everyday tool
    • Measurements including channel power, ACLR, CCDF, OBW/EBW, spur search, EMI detectors
    • Amplitude, frequency, phase vs. time, DPX spectrum, and spectrograms
    • Correlated multi-domain displays
  • Performance options for best real time and dynamic range and analysis options offer added value
    • High dynamic range options offer unmatched 80 dBc spurious-free analysis in the widest acquisition bandwidth
    • High performance DPX offers industry-leading minimum signal duration for 100% probability of intercept
    • Optional software applications to add dedicated measurements for specific applications and standards
    • AM/FM/PM modulation and audio measurements (Opt. 10)
    • Phase noise and jitter (Opt. 11)
    • Automated settling time measurements (frequency and phase) (Opt. 12)
    • More than 30 pulse measurements, acquisition of more than 200,000 pulses possible for post analysis and cumulative statistics. (Opt. 20)
    • General purpose modulation analysis of more than 20 modulation types (Opt. 21)
    • Simple and complete APCO Project 25 transmitter compliance testing and analysis for Phase 1 (C4FM) and Phase 2 (TDMA) (Opt. 26)
    • WLAN analysis for 802.11 a/b/g/j/p, 802.11n, and 802.11ac (Opts. 23, 24, 25)
    • Noise figure and gain measurements (Opt. 14)
    • Bluetooth® Analysis (Opt. 27 and Opt. 31)
    • Manual and automatic measurement mapping plus signal strength function provides audio tone and visual indication of received signal strength (Opt. MAP)
    • LTE™ FDD and TDD Base Station (eNB) Transmitter RF measurements (Opt. 28)
    • The 5G NR analysis is supported on Windows 10 (RSA5BUP Opt. 5GNR)
    • Signal Classification and Survey
    • EMC/EMI pre-compliance and troubleshooting (Opt. 32)

51 Internal Preamp, 1 MHz to 15/26.5 GHz, RSA5115B/5126B only
53 Memory Extension, 4 GB Acquisition Memory Total
65 Digital IQ Output
66 Zero-span analog output
B16X 165 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth (from 25 MHz BW)
PFR Precision Frequency Reference
09 Enhanced Real Time
23 WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p measurement application
24 WLAN IEEE802.11n
25 WLAN 802.11ac measurement application
60 Removable SSD





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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