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The R&S RT‑ZD10/20/30 is a differential probe with high input impedance. It is used for differential voltage measurements from DC to 1.0 GHz, 1.5 GHz, and
3 GHz, respectively. Differential probes can be used for single-ended and differential applications. They are equipped with two high-impedance inputs and can measure the voltage
between any two test points. Unlike using single-ended probes, there is no need to ensure that one of the test points is always at ground potential.
The comprehensive accessory set allows this probe to be connected to a wide variety of devices under test (DUT). Provided with special features such as the
R&S ProbeMeter and the micro button, the R&S RT‑ZD10/20/30 is designed to meet tomorrow’s challenges in probing.
The external attenuator R&S RT-ZA15 can be used to extend the input voltage range of the R&S RT‑ZD10/20/30. It is supplied with the R&S RT-ZD10 and is available as optional accessory for the R&S RT-ZD20 and R&S RT-ZD30.
The probe is equipped with the Rohde & Schwarz probe interface. It can be connected to any Rohde & Schwarz instrument that is compatible with this interface.
When connected to the front panel, the probe is controlled by the oscilloscope’s software. Supported oscilloscopes are listed in the data sheet.
The key characteristics of the probe are the following:
Bandwidth DC to 1.0 GHz (R&S RT-ZD10)
DC to 1.5 GHz (R&S RT-ZD20)
DC to 3.0 GHz (R&S RT-ZD30)
Dynamic range
(differential input)
±5 V with ±5 V offset capability
10 V AC (Vpp)
Key features and key characteristics
R&S®RT‑ZD10/20/30 Product description
User Manual 1410.4550.02 ─ 06 10
Operating voltage window
(each pin to GND)
±8 V with ±22 V common mode offset capability
Available for R&S RT‑ZD10/20/30 probes with serial
number ≥ 200000
Maximum non-destructive input voltage ±30 V
Between each signal pin and ground
Diff. input resistance 1 MΩ
Diff. input capacitance 0.6 pF
R&S ProbeMeter, measurement error <0.1 %
Extremely low zero and gain errors throughout the entire temperature range, no significant temperature drift
Micro button
Rohde & Schwarz probe interface