리퍼비시 계측기
The R&S®RTM models with 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz
or 1 GHz bandwidth offer a maximum sampling rate
of 5 Gsample/s and a maximum memory depth of
20 Msample. As a result, they can display signals accurately, right down to the details, as well as provide high
time resolution, even for long sequences.
Besides the common measurement and analysis tools,
R&S®RTM oscilloscopes have special features that help
users to achieve the desired results quickly during debugging and signal analysis. At the push of a button, the
QuickMeas function graphically displays the key measurement values for the signal that is currently active
and updates them continuously. Functions such as mask
tests and video triggers are supplied as standard with the
Numerous functions and high precision
Input channels: 2 or 4
Sampling rate: 5 Gsample/s
Memory depth: up to 8 Msample
High-performance probes