리퍼비시 계측기
The LG Precision SA-7270 spectrum analyzer is a wide band, very sensitive receiver. It works on the principle of “super-heterodyne receiver” to convert higher frequencies (normally ranging up to several 10s of GHz) to measurable quantities. The received frequency spectrum is slowly swept through a range of pre-selected frequencies, converting the selected frequency to a measurable DC level (usually logarithmic scale), and displaying the same on the CRT of the LG Precision SA-7270. The CRT displays received signal strength (y-axis) against frequency ( x-axis).
2.7GHz 의 광대역 주파수 측정
-디지털 신서사이즈 방식의 설계
-7.4 인치 대형 LCD 측정화면
-AM/FM Demodulation 기능내장
-PC와 연결하여 데이터를 상호 전송하는 S/W 기본제공
-충전용 밧데리 사용(옵션)으로 야외에서 이동 측정이 가능