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리퍼비시 계측기

SecurePNT 6200

  • ModelSecurePNT 6200
  • MakerVIAVI
  • Description보안이 중요한 인프라를 위한 탄력적인 PNT Clock
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Solving Industry Challenges

Secure and resilient Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) services are vital to support at-risk critical infrastructure from rising PNT disruptions such as intricate jamming/spoofing cyberattacks on GPS/GNSS antennas and malicious hacking attacks on network timing targeting NTP/PTP protocols and GPS/GNSS receivers.

Secure and Resilient PNT Clock Solution

The upgraded SecurePNT™ 6200 series is a next-gen resilient timing clock solution powered by innovative TrustedPNT™ technology and an intelligent zero-trust multisource platform.

  • L1/2/3/5/6+RTK GNSS receiver, supporting GEO Sat Signals, and optional LEO STL receiver 
  • Holdover options: DOCXO or Rb oscillator (internal) 
  • Inputs: 10 MHz and 1 PPS for external Cesium clock holdover 
  • Outputs: 10 MHz/1 PPS 
  • System: meets PRTC-A ITU-T G.8272 spec, NEBS certified, half 19” width, rack-mountable 


  • Secure and resilient PNT clock solution with new SecureTime℠ Services, integrating these alternative and enhanced sources on top of GPS/GNSS: 
    • altGNSS℠ LEO — enhanced, encrypted GNSS-independent source, <65 ns RMS accuracy traceable to UTC/NIST, powered with Iridium’s STL service 
    • eGNSS℠ GEO — enhanced GNSS source, with authenticated spoofing detection/ mitigation and <2.5 ns RMS ultrahigh accuracy traceable to UTC, powered with Fugro AtomiChon® service on Inmarsat 
  • Augmented PNT clock for GPS/GNSS-denied or indoor environments 
  • Retrofitting legacy GPS/GNSS equipment by placing the SecurePNT 6200 (integrating the VIAVI Solutions patented μPNTranscoder™) inline between the GPS/GNNS antenna and its receiver, rapidly transforming legacy clocks into resilient PNT clocks at scale

– L1/2/3/5/6+PPP GNSS receiver, supporting GEO Sat Signals, and optional LEO STL receiver
– Holdover options: DOCXO or Rb oscillator (internal)
– Inputs: 10 MHz and 1 PPS for external Cesium clock holdover
–  Outputs: 10 MHz/1 PPS
– System: meets PRTC-A ITU-T G.8272 spec, NEBS certified, half 19” width, rack-mountable

– Secure and resilient PNT clock solution with new SecureTimeSM Services, integrating these alternative and enhanced sources on top of GPS/GNSS:
– altGNSSSM LEO – alternative GNSSindependent source with encryption, <65 ns RMS accuracy traceable to UTC(NIST), powered by Iridium STL
– eGNSSSM GEO – enhanced GNSS source, authenticated spoofing detection/mitigation, <5 ns RMS ultra-high accuracy, traceable to UTC, powered by Fugro AtomiChron on Inmarsat
– altGNSSSM GEO – alternative GNSSindependent source, authenticated spoofing detection/mitigation, <±100 ns peak-topeak, traceable to NIST, powered by Fugro on Inmarsat and other satellite constellations
– Augmented PNT clock for GPS/GNSS-denied or indoor environments
– Retrofit legacy GPS/GNSS with the μPNTranscoder™ and rapidly transform legacy clocks into resilient PNT clocks at scale

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