리퍼비시 계측기
Frequency range 100 kHz to 2.7 GHz
Uncertainty internal reference see “Reference frequency”
external reference 1 < 0.5 × 10–9
, typ. < 1.0 × 10–10
Setting resolution 1 Hz
Setting time to within < 1 × 10−7
with GUI update stopped
20 ms
Frequency sweep
Operating mode digital sweep in discrete steps
Trigger mode free run auto
Sweep range full frequency range
Sweep shape sawtooth
Step size linear full frequency range
Dwell time setting range 100 ms to 1 s
Dwell time setting resolution 1 ms
Reference frequency
Uncertainty < 1.6 × 10–7
Aging after 10 days of uninterrupted operation < 1.0 × 10–9
Temperature effect in operating temperature range
0 °C to +50 °C
< 5 × 10–8
Input for external reference signal frequency (sine wave) 10 MHz
maximum deviation 3 × 10–6
input level –5 dBm to 19 dBm
recommended limits 0 dBm to 19 dBm
input impedance 50
connector BNC female, rear
Output for internal reference signal frequency (sine wave) 10 MHz
level typ. +6 dBm ± 3 dB
input impedance > 200 Ω
connector 9-pin D-Sub, rear, alternatively to trigger
RF output connector N female, front
output impedance 50
Maximum level f ≤ 1.0 GHz +15 dBm (PEP) 2
1.0 GHz < f ≤ 2.0 GHz +12 dBm (PEP)
2.0 GHz < f ≤ 2.5 GHz +10 dBm (PEP)
2.5 GHz < f +7 dBm (PEP)
Setting range level –110 dBm to +20 dBm
resolution 0.1 dB
Dynamic range of attenuator 110 dB
Level uncertainty attenuator mode: auto,
temperature range +18 °C to +33 °C
< ±1.0 dB
Output VSWR in 50 Ω system at maximum level < 1.8, typ. < 1.5
at maximum level – 15 dB < 1.5, typ. < 1.3
Setting time to < 0.1 dB deviation from final value,
with GUI update stopped
10 ms
Uninterruptible level setting attenuator mode: fixed, setting range 18 dB
Back-feed (from 50 Ω source) maximum permissible RF power in output
frequency range of RF path
+30 dBm, permanent
permissible DC voltage ±20 V
Spectral purity
Harmonics level ≤ 12 dBm, CW < –30 dBc
Nonharmonics level ≥ –20 dBm, CW,
carrier frequency, carrier offset > 10 kHz reference: signal power
100 kHz to 87 MHz < –50 dBc
> 87 MHz to 1 GHz < –60 dBc
> 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz < –50 dBc
Broadband noise carrier offset > 10 MHz, measurement bandwidth 1 Hz
f > 87 MHz < –135 dBc
f ≤ 87 MHz < –115 dBc
SSB phase noise carrier offset 20 kHz, measurement bandwidth 1 Hz
f ≤ 87 MHz < –100 dBc
87 MHz < f < 375 MHz < –110 dBc
375 MHz ≤ f < 750 MHz < –100 dBc
750 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz < –100 dBc
f > 1 GHz < –95 dBc
carrier offset 500 kHz, measurement bandwidth 1 Hz
f ≤ 87 MHz < –100 dBc
87 MHz < f < 375 MHz < –130 dBc
375 MHz ≤ f < 750 MHz < –130 dBc
750 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz < –120 dBc
f > 1 GHz < –115 dB
Specifications in brief
RF signal
Frequency range without power amplifier 100 kHz to 2.7 GHz
with power amplifier 47 MHz to 862 MHz
Frequency resolution 1 Hz
Level without power amplifier –110 dBm to +15 dBm
with power amplifier +27 dBm, adjustable from 0 dB to 30 dB
Spectral purity
SSB phase noise at 300 MHz and 20 kHz carrier offset < –115 dBc (1 Hz)
Broadband noise > 10 MHz < –135 dBc (1 Hz)
Digital realtime modulation systems
Terrestrial TV DVB-T21), DVB-T, DTMB, ISDB-T, ISDB-TB,
Cable TV DVB-C, J.83/B, ISDB-C
Satellite TV DVB-S, DVB-S2, DirecTV
Mobile TV DVB-H, T-DMB, ISDB-T 1-Segment, MediaFLO™,
Digital audio broadcasting DAB, DAB+, ISDB-TSB
Analog realtime modulation systems
Analog TV B/G, D/K, I, M/N, L
Analog audio broadcasting AM, FM mono, FM stereo with RDS
ARB-based modulation systems
Digital audio broadcasting HD Radio™, DRM, DRM+1)
Digital TV DVB-T2, CMMB, MediaFLO™
Baseband signal sources
Transport stream generator file format Rohde&Schwarz proprietary
data rate (including null packets) 100 kbit/s to 214 Mbit/s
Transport stream player file format TRP, T10, ETI, FLO, MFS, PMS, BIN
data rate 100 kbit/s to 90 Mbit/s
ARB waveform generator memory 256 Msample
sample rate up to 100 Msample/s
Noise generator 1)
AWGN signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) –30 dB to +60 dB
General data
Operating temperature range +5°C to +45°C
Power supply 90 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Dimensions 427 mm × 44 mm × 450 mm
(16.81 in × 1.7 in × 18 in)
Weight < 6 kg (< 13.23 lb)