리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelSMATE200A
  • MakerR&S
  • DescriptionVector Signal Generator
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Based on the successful R&S® SMU200A platform, the R&S® SMATE200A is specifically designed for production environments. As such, the display and front panel user interface have been removed, the connectors moved to the rear, and performance has been optimized for fastest setting times to improve factory throughput. Like the R&S® SMU200A, however, the two-generators-in-one concept has been kept, occupying four height units – a plus for production where space is at a premium. All of this is available without compromising the excellent RF performance and baseband flexibility synonymous with the R&S® SMU200A.
Speaking of flexibility, the modular design concept of the R&S® SMATE200A means that the R&S® SMATE200A can easily be adapted to the needs of any application. Users have the choice of either 3 GHz or 6 GHz RF outputs in one or two paths and may opt for up to two completely independent baseband sources. As in the R&S® SMU200A, these sources may be used to produce complex signals in realtime or output preloaded waveforms from the internal arbitrary waveform generator.
In addition to its inherent speed, the R&S® SMATE200A also offers a special function to permit fast switching between different test signals. The multisegment waveform function allows users to easily combine waveforms, such as GSM and WCDMA, during test setup for even faster tests in production. This is just one of the R&S®
SMATE200A’s numerous adaptations to the special requirements of the production environment.

Key features Designed for production

• Very short setting times for frequency and level (e.g. for frequency changes <1 ms over GPIB and <400 μs in List mode)

• Fast Hop mode offering flexibly addressable frequency/level pairs; as fast as normal List mode

• Multisegment waveform function enables fast switching between different test signals in waveform generator

• Special hardware triggers for basic functions

• Electronic CMOS-attenuator for entire frequency and level range

• Status LEDs on front, connectors on rear

• Revised cooling concept for longer life in production

Outstanding signal quality

• Very low SSB phase noise (typ. –135 dBc (1 Hz) at f = 1 GHz, 20 kHz offset; typ. –139 dBc (1 Hz) with the enhanced phase noise option)

• Wideband noise of typ. –153 dBc (>5 MHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)

• High output power up to +19 dBm (PEP), typ. +26 dBm with high-power output option

• Very high level repeatability of typ. 0.05 dB

• I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth

• Excellent ACLR performance of typ. +71 dB with 3GPP FDD

Two signal generators in one

• Up to two completely independent signal generators in one unit

• Choice of 3 GHz or 6 GHz frequency options in one or two paths

• Up to two independent baseband sources that not only support realtime signal generation but also offer arbitrary waveform generation with up to 128 Msamples each


• Remote-controllable via LAN (Gigabit Ethernet), GPIB and USB

• User-definable triggers and markers combined in one SCSI connector

• USB connectors for keyboard, mouse and memory stick

• VGA connector for an external display

Frequency options
One of the following frequency options must be installed in RF path A.
SMATE-B103 100 kHz to 3 GHz
SMATE-B106 100 kHz to 6 GHz
One of the following frequency options can be installed in RF path B.
SMATE-B203 100 kHz to 3 GHz
SMATE-B206 100 kHz to 6 GHz
Enhancement options
The following options can be installed in path A and B.
Low phase noise and FM/ϕM
SMATE-B22 FM/ϕM and Low Phase Noise (can be installed in each RF path A or B)
High-power output
SMATE-B31 High-Power Output (RF path A)
SMATE-B36 High-Power Output (RF path B)





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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