리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelSR5048
  • MakerSpirent
  • DescriptionTest Configuration Unit
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The combination of the SR5068 and the TAS5048 Test Configuration Units automatically manages the switching of RF connections required for 3G mobile device testing. This allows the C2K-ATS to achieve the highest level of flexibility in test coverage. 

Combined with the Agilent 3499B Logic/Control System, the TAS5048 can be automatically controlled with TASKIT/C2K software. Reconfiguring the CDMA signaling path in C2K-ATS is automatically handled by TASKIT/C2K. 

C2K-ATS is based on advanced Spirent Communications emulation Instruments

Every C2K-ATS includes the Spirent Wireless Channel Emulator and the TAS5048 and SR5068 Test Configuration Unit (TCU). These instruments provide the most integrated and powerful solutions available for evaluating mobile receiver performance.

The Spirent Wireless Channel Emulator implements a superset of all RF channel conditions required for CDMA receiver testing, such as multi-path fading, delay spread, and path loss as well as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Dynamic 3GPDP channel models characterize rake receiver performance.

The TAS5048 and SR5068 Test Configuration Units are controlled by TASKIT/C2K to automatically select from a list of pre-defined test configurations. These instruments eliminate the need to manually configure the system, thereby optimizing test execution speed.

The set of AirAccess CDMA Network Emulators (Two SR3452v2s) is a scalable performance analysis solution for CDMA terminal manufacturers and service providers. AirAccess features a highly programmable protocol processing engine to provide complete emulation of a multi-cell CDMA network

The SR5048 by Spirent is a test configuration unit (TCU) that serves as an essential component of the 8100 Mobile Device Test System, functioning within a larger location test system (LTS). It offers compatibility with both GPS and GSM/WCDMA interface parameters through an N-type connector. When used with handsets featuring a single connector for combined GPS/cellular signals, the GPS interface of the SR5048 supports A500, A600, and B-Series platforms. The GSM/WCDMA interface, on the other hand, is compatible with A500 and A600 platforms.

One of the key functions of the SR5048 is to facilitate the LTS Calibration Procedure, which achieves highly accurate power level measurements at various points within the system. This semi-automated procedure quantifies the insertion loss across different signal paths and stores the collected data in a Microsoft Access Database. The SR5048‘s displays enable easy navigation through the calibration features. The calibration process encompasses steps such as initializing setup information, calibrating power meter sensors A and B, calibrating power levels to cable endpoints (C2, C1B, C2B, C18, C18B, P18), and post-calibration setup and data viewing.

To ensure seamless integration with the test system, the SR5048 is supported by the Instrument Configuration window, which provides a user-friendly interface for selecting different types of configuration units. This window offers several features, including check boxes to enable or disable communications with associated instruments, an address setting to match the GPIB or IP address configuration of installed instruments, a connection diagram display for the current configuration, and the ability to hide the connection diagram. Additional features within the SR5048‘s compatible configuration window include a communication check to verify connections between all enabled instruments, a details view providing information about enabled instruments, an OK button to save changes made and store them in the system registry, and a cancel option to discard changes and close the window.





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